Meeting Sapphire

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Meeting Sapphire
"I'm serious! They're never going to let us back into the store," I protested, staring Caleb down.

Married to this idiot for two years and he still pulls stunts like these.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you're too scared," he taunted, giving me his signature smirk that hadn't seemed to change with time.

He stared down at me, his hand still holding mine despite the fact that I was glaring daggers into his head.

"Caleb, they're going to kick us out of the store!"

"Scarlett," he mocked right back, "You can't actually be turning down a dare, Love." His lips curved up.

"Caleb! This is my favorite Target, it's the only one close to campus."

"I'm sorry, Love but it's the rules, unless you're chickening out of a dare," he wiggled his eyebrows, taunting me.

I gave him a long stare, "Fine, but cover me."

He grinned like a child, "You know I always do."

I smiled softly, he was right about that, he always had my back.

I grabbed the pregnancy test of the shelves as Caleb stood watch. We carted off to the soup aisle, the only aisle that was decently concealed from sight.

"Ready?" Caleb wiggled his eyebrows, giving me the all clear.

"Let's do this!" I stepped my foot up on the cart, positioning it to run past the poor bystander who was currently trying to find a way to reach something on the top shelf.

"That's my girl!" He grinned, checking one last time to make sure it was all clear before giving me a thumbs up.

Here goes nothing.

I propped my foot up on the cart, sending it soaring through the aisle, taking me along with it.

The poor girl jumped, startled to see a stranger riding a shopping cart. I sent the pregnancy test soaring in her direction. She whipped around, only for the test to smack her directly in the face. My eyes widened. Unable to suppress the smile, I burst out laughing as my cart crashed into the side wall. I collapsed with it, my sides aching from my laughter.

The girl tossed the pregnancy test on one of the shelves, rushing over to me. "Are you alright?" She worried, pressing a hand to my forehead to see if I was running a fever.

Caleb howled, doubled over in laughter.

"I'm- so," I spoke between giggles, "sorry!"

She stared at me wide eyed, helping me up to my feet.

"My husband dared me to," I pointed over to Caleb, who was turning red from lack of oxygen.

She glanced back to Caleb, giving him a small wave. He reciprocated the gesture.

"I'm going to get you back for this," I shouted.

"Oh come on, you know you love me," he scrunched his nose in my direction, giving me one of his oddly adorable yet incredibly weird faces.

I grumbled under my breath, "Unfortunately."

"You really know how to pick 'em," the girl teased.

I nodded, "I know right, it's a miracle I haven't been to jail yet with this guy."

"I gotta be honest, I'm usually the one who gets my boyfriend in trouble. The poor guy, I don't know how he deals with me."

"I mean I can't complain, there's never a boring day." I smiled over at Caleb who was currently talking to one of the employees, trying to cover for me.

"The names Sapphire by the way, Sapphire Kingston." She turned to shake my hand.

I smiled, the gesture reminding me of the first time I met Caleb. I was such a different person then. "Lanabeth Val-" I cut myself off, remmeber that I was no longer Lanabeth Valentine, "Hunter. Lanabeth Hunter."

Hey guys!! I know it's been a while but I've been working on getting this  book published. I have all the chapters edited and now I just need to format it. I can't wait to do a cover reveal, I'm hoping it turns out well.
I know this chapter is really short but I am planning to add in more bonus chapters.

I know I already asked but, are there any other scenes you guys want to see?

Lots of love,
Rachelle <3

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