Chapter 12.1

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The dance lessons started far sooner than I liked. They were scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday, the anniversary party was Saturday. That was a very short amount of time for me to learn a three-minute dance, especially with my uncoordinated self.

I was currently laying on my bed in leggings and a baggy t-shirt waiting for Caleb to tell me we were leaving. I had previously asked him what I was supposed to wear, rookie mistake. He replied with tight shorts and a crop top, needless to say, I didn't listen to him. Pervert.

My phone buzzed beside me, my bed vibrated slightly. I glanced over to it. A text from 'My Knight In Shining Armor' appeared on the screen. I picked up my phone and slid open the text. The screen read 'You ready?'.

I typed a quick yes and it wasn't long before the bubble, signaling that he was typing, popped up. He replied with 'Okay, you can come through my window'.

What? I reread the text just to make sure I had seen it right. I'm going through the window? I sighed and climbed out of the window. Caleb was sitting on his roof, his phone lightly clutched in his hand. He turned his head in my direction and frowned, "What happened to the shorts?" He joked.

I rolled my eyes, muttering, "Perv,"
He snickered and stood up. I jumped over to his roof. My heel skidded on one of the shingles, causing me to slip. Caleb caught me before I could crash to the ground. He grunted as I landed into his arms. He gave me a disappointed look, "How are you going to dance when you're this clumsy?" He smiled, letting me know he was joking.

"Haha, very funny," I used his support to stand back up and steady myself.
He kept his arm on me as we walked to his window. I gave him a weird look. "Just making sure you don't fall again, clumsy," he informed me.

I slapped his arm off of me, "I'm fine,"
He chuckled and we climbed into his house through his window, I managed to not fall. It was quite surprising.
We made it into his room and I was immediately crushed into a small hug, "Hi Everly," I grinned and lifted her in my arms.

She giggled, "Hi,"

Caleb walked up beside me, "Wow, she gets a hug before me," he teased.

Everly scrunched up her nose, and gave me another hug, "I like her,"

A mischievous glint shone in Caleb's eyes, "I don't know, she's kinda clumsy. She'll probably drop you,"

Everly's eyes widened. She held her arms out for Caleb, who gladly scooped her out of my arms, smirking at me. Rude, "I would not drop her," I defended, "Swamp monster,"

He gaped at me, "I'm not a swamp monster. Am I, Everly?" He asked.

She shook her head and rested it on his shoulder, "He's a knight,"

I shot him a dirty look. He definitely told her to say that. My thoughts were interrupted by Jacqueline calling us down, or should I say, calling Everly and Caleb down. Does she know I'm here? My question was answered by the surprised look that spread across her face as I walked down the stairs. "Oh, Annabeth, you're already here. Caleb was she in your room?" Her face was a bit worried.

I glared at Caleb. I guess that answered why he asked me to go through the window. I resisted the urge to hit him. That probably wouldn't have been a good thing to do in front of his parents. Caleb simply smirked back at me. He threw his arm over my shoulder, his other arm still holding Everly. "Don't worry, she wasn't up there long,"

I pushed his arm off me and whispered so only he could hear, "Swamp monster,"

An older gentleman, maybe college age, walked into the room. He had dark curly hair and was so tall he actually towered over Caleb. His eyes were a deep green that matched Everly's. Why does everyone in this house seem to have gorgeous eyes?

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