Chapter 16.2

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The ride home was utterly silent. Vikki kept checking on me through the rearview mirror. I gave her a weak smile every time. My head was pounding but that seemed like the least of my worries. All I could seem to think about was Caleb.

Vikki offered to stay the night at my house when we got home but I insisted that she go home. Lucas had checked my head for a concussion as soon as we got home. Thankfully, I showed no sign of one. I wasn't sure I trusted Lucas's judgment but since it was my only option, I had to.

We managed to keep it a secret from Momma. I would hate for her to be upset. I was mostly afraid she would start crying or faint if she found out. She wasn't very happy to find out we had skipped class.

I paced around my room waiting for Caleb to show some sign that he was still alive. He hadn't answered a single one of my many, many texts or phone calls. I had continuously been checking out my window every ten minutes, for the past three hours. It was becoming excessive.

I checked my messages for the hundredth time tonight, still nothing. I groaned and flopped onto my bed. Why hadn't he replied? I wasn't even sure if he had gotten in trouble or not, or if he was badly hurt. What if he's hurt?

I twiddled my thumbs, my hands resting on my chest. It was now already dark out, I knew there was no way I was getting any sleep tonight. I slowly crawled myself out of bed and forced myself to check the roof one more time. I prepared to be disappointed once again. I poked my head out and pointed my gaze directly to Caleb's roof. A black figure sat upon it. My heart skipped a beat. Without a second thought, I darted out of the window and over to his side. I smashed him into a hug. He winced slightly and I was pretty sure I had hit one of the many bruises that covered his body. I gave him a sheepish look and loosened the hug. He shook his head, cracked a smile, and pulled me back in, wrapping his arms around me. His body was warm and relaxed, the smell of vanilla and apples surrounding me. Man, he smells good. "I'm okay, Scarlett," he breathed, his chin pressing into the top of my hair.

"I thought Derrick was going to kill you," I mumbled.

He chuckled softly, his chest vibrating against me. It was oddly soothing. "It wasn't my first fight, Love. Don't worry, I can handle myself,"

I pulled away to examine his face. A thick purple bruise ran along his cheek. That was the only visible injury I could see on his face, as for the rest of his body I wasn't sure. I knew he must have had a few bruises on his stomach and side just from what I had seen from the fight.

I reached up to touch his cheek. He stiffened slightly. I retreated my hand and frowned, "I'm sorry," I whispered.
He shook his head, "You have nothing to be sorry about,"

I was pretty sure I did. It was my fault he got into the fight with Derrick and gotten hurt.

Caleb's attention was diverted to my forehead. He tilted my head slightly so he could get a better look. There was a small red mark from hitting the locker. His fist clenched as he gritted his teeth, "I can't believe he'd do this to you,"

I stared at him in disbelief. He had gotten hurt way worse than me and had no reason to be worrying about me, I was fine. "Did you get in trouble?" I finally asked.

His posture relaxed slightly as I attempted to change the subject, "Thankfully, no. There were no teachers so no one caught us,"

I let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't dead and he hadn't gotten into too much trouble. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay, Love," he repeated.

I nodded, feeling instantly relieved. Caleb tilted his head and stared at me. He looked to be contemplating something. "What?" There was a slight hint of panic in my voice.

Did I say something weird? I cursed myself for never thinking before I spoke.

He blinked hard and shook his head, "Nothing," he didn't fully seem to be paying attention,  "I'll be right back," he spoke as though he was in some kind of daze.

He stood up and rushed inside his room. I stood up as well and awkwardly swayed in one spot as I waited. That was strange.

Caleb returned within a few seconds. He had one hand behind his back. He stood in front of me and pulled out a small black box from behind him. I drew my eyebrows together, "What is it?" I questioned.

He scratched the back of his neck, "Just open it,"

I narrowed my eyes at him but listened anyway. I lifted the small black lid off of it. Inside was a small army green and black braided bracelet.

"It's made from your combat boots. I figured this way you would still be able to wear them," he informed me.

I stared at the box in complete shock. I lifted the bracelet. On the inside was Carolyn's name engraved in gold, "It's beautiful," tears welled in my eyes.

Words couldn't describe what I was feeling at the moment. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that all I could focus on was not crying.

I immediately went to put it on my wrist. Caleb took it from me and helped me fasten it. It rested nicely right beside Carolyn's silver bracelet. I looked back up at Caleb. His hair was a ruffled mess and the bruise glistened on his cheek. My breath hitched in my throat.

I stared up at Caleb, the same guy who had just protected my brother and me from Derrick, the guy who had given me the most thoughtful gift I had ever been given, and who had driven me insane from day one. I realized something: whatever my feelings for Caleb were, they most certainly were not platonic. I was falling for Caleb Hunter. I was falling for the obnoxious guy next door, the same guy who didn't believe in dating. I was screwed.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his waist. He responded quickly, his arms pulling me in tightly. Meanwhile, my thoughts raced around in my head. I like Caleb Hunter.

Are you guys still enjoying the book? I'm getting less commentary than usual so I just wanted to make sure you guys are still interested in the story.

If there are any parts you hate, or you love, anything like that, let me know. I love your feedback so if there is something you hate please tell me so I can fix it.

You guys are honestly the best, you have all be so kind to me and so supported and I love you all so much.

Lots of love,
Rachelle <3

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