Chapter three

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Chapter Three
"Ugh," I screamed in frustration while throwing my pillow across the room.
I haven't been able to sleep all night knowing Caleb Hunter is right next door to me. Frustrated, with my hair a mess and bags forming under my eyes, I got up out of bed and lifted my window. I had two large windows placed next to each other with only a small piece of the wall dividing them, which made for the perfect exit to the roof.

Slowly, I crawled out of my window and sat on my roof. My bare feet felt cool against the rough shingles. The cold air rushed past my skin. It was pitch black outside with only a few stars and the moon to illuminate it. I looked around at all the other houses but didn't see anyone else out. I took a deep breath in. This had always been my thinking place. I felt safe. I took another deep breath in and the faint smell of cigarette smoke hit my nose. I began looking around and saw a small glow coming from the house next to me. I wasn't sure how I hadn't noticed it before. Looking closely, I could see the faint outline of a person. Chills ran up my spine. I was unable to tell who it was, but it was coming from the house next to me. "What are you looking at?" The mysterious figure spat.

I screamed before losing my balance and tumbling off. This is it. This is how I die. I knew I shouldn't have sat on the roof. I knew it would become a habit and with my clumsy track record! I squealed and shut my eyes to await my death. My life flashed before my eyes and I realized how sad it was. I hadn't done anything note-worthy.

A hand grabbed mine before I hit the ground, or even the first story of the building for that matter. I slowly opened one eye and then the other. Caleb was looking down at me with a worried expression. He grabbed my other arm and pulled me up. My breathing became more steady as I began to realize I wasn't going to die. He crossed his arm and his appearance stiffened again, "What was that?"

I was probably one of the clumsiest people in the world and falling off a roof was not that surprising. I stared at him with a blank face. He must have jumped the distance between our houses to catch me. He could have fallen himself. Maybe Caleb's not as bad as I thought.
He ran his fingers through his hair. "What are you stupid? How do you freaking fall off a roof?" He cursed and began muttering profanity under his breath.
I take that back he's worse than bad. He scared me, I mean what creepy person does that? "I'm sorry you scared me. What were you doing?" I rebuked.

"Sitting on my roof, same as you," his voice was filled with annoyance and there was a faint mocking tone present.
"Same as me? Last time I checked I wasn't smoking," he still had the cigarette in his hand, the fumes made me sick. "Seriously that's bad for your health," I pulled back away from the smell and waved my hand in front of my face to help.

"What are you, my mother?" He took another hit of the cigarette.

"Fine kill your lungs for all I care!" I threw my hand up in frustration. I hadn't even talked to him for two minutes and he's already gotten on my nerves.

"Shouldn't you be thanking me, you know, for saving your life?" he didn't bother making direct eye contact with me.
I scoffed. "If it weren't for you I wouldn't need saving in the first place!" I stepped closer to him, jabbing my finger into his chest.

He looked at me, the height difference making it to where he had to look down. "Oh please, you fell off a bloody roof! How is that my fault? It's not my fault you're clumsy." You could hear the faintest British accent when he yelled.

Great another reason for girls to love him.
We were practically at each other's throats. I was sure the entire neighborhood could hear. I was proven correct when I saw a few people's lights flicker on in their rooms. Who does this guy think he is? "I only fell off because you were being a creep,"

His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath tickling my nose. "Oh, and how was I being a creep?"

"Who sits on their roof smoking?" At this point I was so angry I was shaking and the fact that it was the middle of the night didn't help, "You know what I'm done with this!"

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