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Yeshiva POV

It had been three weeks since I had started working at Ross as a helper to make sure people can find what they are looking for. I've not yet started my summer course, because it's still spring and I've got another month before then, but hopefully I'll get through it. Nya is doing good in day care and she knows more than most of the kids in there.

Right now, I was at home with Nya watching tv. Darron and Omar were out with some girls. They say they've known these girls a while and that when they come back, they want me to meet them. I would like to meet these girls.

"Nya, stop biting my finger." I said.

"Sowwy momma. I hurt." she said.

She was teething again. She was still growing her teeth in and she badly needed a teething ring. I went in my room and got her one. She took it and started biting it. As she did so, the door opened and in walked the guys with their girls.

They were both Hispanic. One of them was almost as curvy as me. She had a paler complexion and long jet black hair. She had medium sized boobs and wide hips and thick thighs. Her butt was almost as big as mine too.

The other was the girl I recognized as the one who wouldn't even let me finish my interview before kicking me out. She was more tan and was still thick, but not as thick as the other girl. She had bigger breasts and a rounder face. She was pretty and thin. She had an hour glass figure and a nice sized butt and shoulder length hair.

"Hey Yeshiva. This is Carla, my girlfriend, and Veronica, Darron's girlfriend." Omar said.

The thicker one was Carla and the other one was Veronica. They both looked at me as I waved and smiled. Veronica gave me a dirty look and Carla smirked. What was their problem? I don't even know them.

"Be nice." I heard Darron whisper to Veronica.

So he knows she's a bitch? Why would he have her in my face then?

"Hey y'all. How was your day?" I said still smiling as I got up and walked over to shake the girl's hands.

Carla shook my hands gently and pulled back quickly as if she had just touched a hot stove. Veronica ignored me and went to sit down with Carla and the guys behind her. Nya moved away from them and didn't seem to like these girls. She even avoided Darron and Omar just because the girls were near them.

"Come here munchkin and meet the girls." Omar said.

"No!" she said before running over to me and hugging my leg.

"Well then, I'm going to go get dinner ready. What would y'all like to eat?" I said picking up Nya.

"I want tamales." Darron said.

"I want ribs" Omar said before day dreaming about what I was assuming was ribs.

"I want canny and ceweol!" Nya said.

"I'm going to cook ribs." I said before leaving the room to cook with Nya behind me.

Darron Pov

I can't believe the way Veronica was acting. She was being a bitch. My sister hated her, but I never knew why until now. It was pissing me off that she would sit here and treat somebody she don't even know like that.

What made me even more pissed off at Veronica was when Shiva tries to be nice to her, but she still acted a fool. Who does that? I can't believe this shit.

Yeshiva is a beautiful woman, sexy, gorgeous, breath taking even, but I'm not a cheater. There is nothing for Veronica to be worried about. Plus, Yeshiva has never done anything to her. Why would she act that way?

"So that's your roommate?" Veronica asked.

"Yes. I don't like the way you acted toward her. She is a really nice person and for you to be disrespectful like that pisses me off. Get your shit together." I said angrily.

"Whatever. I just know she wants you by the way she was looking at you." She said.

"She wasn't even looking at me." I said.

Omar POV

"That's because she was looking at Omar. She wants him, buy she can't have him." Carla said.

What's gotten into her?

I swear Carla follows Veronica's lead. That lead is gon have her manless and lonely as hell. That ain't how you keep a man. She needs to learn that.

Sure I may be kinda sorta a lot attracted to Yeshiva (I mean I would tear that thang up!), but that doesn't mean I'm just going to drop Carla and go after Yeshiva. I don't know what's going on with Carla, but I plan on getting to the bottom of this. Carla will not run our roommate off with her bullshit because she wants to follow what Veronica is doing. I get that they have been friends since grade school, but damn!

I pulled Carla into my room and shut the door. She was looking good in her white sun dress that hugged her curvy body. Her red lipstick brought out her plump lips and made them the center of my attention.

"Why were you acting like that?" I asked snapping my mind out of sex.

"Because, Veronica told me about her coming for an interview. Darron was in the car with her when she saw them drive up. She thinks they are having an affair. She was looking at you like she wanted you." she said as she sat down on my bed and folded her arms.

"He was helping her run errands because she doesn't have a car. How else was she supposed to get to the fucking interview?" I asked.

"Oh... but that doesn't explain why they were at McDonald's together eating like a family." she said.

Jealousy tore through me. Why the fuck was he playing daddy to someone else's child? I suppose I was doing the same. Where exactly was that child's daddy?

"They were taking a lunch break." I said trying to defend them.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" she asked.

"You. You seem to be dumb as hell to just believe her story when you know that bitch is delusional. You know she was claiming Darron as her boyfriend before he even asked her on a date." I said.

"Don't talk about her like that. She must be wise if she knew they were going to be together. I mean, they are together now anyways. So what's the difference?" she asked.

"Whatever. Lets go eat." I said.

She looked at her phone as if she was reading something. She stood up and walked over to me.

"I don't have time to eat. I've got to go to work." she said before walking past me and out the door.


I turned around and walked out into the living room to see Carla and Veronica leaving. I shook my head. Carla is going to be in big trouble when I see her again.

Darron POV

The whole time Veronica was here, she would go in the kitchen and "accidentally" bump into Shiva. I got pissed and asked her to leave. She texted Carla and told her they had to go. They left as quick as they had come.

"We're sorry about them." I said to Yeshiva as soon as Omar and I made it to the kitchen.

"It's okay. It's not your fault your girlfriends parents were the devil and Saddam Hussein." Yeshiva said.

"Ha. They really aren't that bad. They usually don't act like that." Omar said.

"Okay. Well, dinner is ready. Lets eat." She said.

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