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Yeshiva POV

I had been getting along with Nathan well lately. He had Nya every other day, which meant I didn't always have to take her to daycare, so that was money in my pocket. He also made sure she had toys and more clothes, so that was also good. I didn't have to buy toys and clothes. I just had to make sure she ate, was well taken care of, and felt loved.

I had just got home from work and decided to take a shower. I took a fifteen minute shower, and when I got out, I dried off. I walked into my room and put on my underwear and some pajamas. I heard some commotion in the living room.

"I'm her mother. I'm here to see her. Who the fuck are you? Are you her pimps? Is she sleeping with both of y'all!?" my mother yelled in the living room.

I walked out of my room so quick. Once I saw her, hurt and anger coursed through me. What the fuck was she doing here? How did she find me?

"There you are. You are coming back home with me." my mother said coming towards me.

This bitch has lost her mind.

"I'm grown. Last time I checked you're the one who kicked me out in the first place. I'm not going anywhere with you." I said angrily.

"So you wanna stay here so you can have my grand child here with you whoring yourself to these men and lord knows who else!?" My mom exclaimed.

"Bitch I am not whoring to anybody! You said you wanted us out! you kicked me out and now I'm here where my child doesn't gave to hear her own grandmother call her a bastard! You know what she asked me when she got back from being in Texas with her dad!? She asked me if you hated her. So no, we don't need to go back with you because you have caused too much damage." I said. I had tears in my eyes.

"I have not caused anything! It was you and Nathan with your drama! Don't you dare sit up here and lie on me to make yourself look good!" Mom screamed.

"You know what, get the fuck out this house! Out! Now!" I yelled angrily.

"Okay then slut. You and your bastard child can live without me!" she said before storming out.

"I hate her." I mumbled before going in my room and closing my door.

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