Best Friend

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Yeshiva POV

Vince and I had become really close in the time that I had known him. It had been two months and he and I were really good friends. It wasn't sexual, but we did flirt. He even met Nya, and she talked to him and sat next to him. That let me know that he was okay. Nya is a great detector of nothing ass niggas and I usually have her around to let me know who's who.

Vince, Nya, and I were sitting in the living room. Omar was at work, and it was a Saturday, my day off, so I was just chilling. Darron walked in with Veronica, and like a wave of smoke, her bad vibes flew through the room making us all silent. I looked away and focused on the television.

"I see she found someone else to hit on." Veronica mumbled as she sat down across from me.

Darron sat beside her and gave her a warning look. I sighed and ignore her. Nya crawled on my lap and laid on me. I rubbed her scalp as she began to go to sleep.

"How old is she?" Veronica asked.

"Two." I said.

"You're nineteen right?" Veronica asked.

"Yes." I said. I could sense she was about to start some shit.

"Figures. Girls like you always have em young." she said.

"What do you mean girls like me?" I said handing Nya to Vince.

He took her to my room quickly and came back after closing the door. He probably put her in her play pin with her toys.

"Sluts." Veronica said

I stood up. I had had it with her. Her mouth was reckless and her ass whoopin was about to be even more reckless.

"Do you even know who the father of your child is? Or is she a bastard like you?" she said looking me in my eyes with a smirk.

"If she say another thing to me Darron I'm gin strangle her and we're gonna have strangled bitch all over this floor." I said coming toward Veronica.

"V chill." Darron warned.

"I'll say what I want! I'm a grown ass woman! This bitch is just a fucking slutty ass teen who wants to fuck other people's boyfriends and then look at their friend's boyfriends!  Fucking bitch!" Veronica yelled standing up.

So this is about Carla and her ex? I'm not about to sit here and let this bitch disrespect me over some stupid shit.

I grabbed Veronica by her neck and lifted her up and shook her while I had my hands wrapped tightly around her skinny ass noodle neck. I choked her to the floor and then started to punch and kick her. Darron was trying to get me off her, but it was no use. Vince jumped in and pried my fingers one by one off Veronica's neck.

"Aaaah!" Veronica screamed and cried with her over dramatic ass.

"Come on Shiva." Vince said before picking me up and carrying me into my room.

Nya was on the bed sleep next to her baby doll. Vince and I walked into the bathroom. I was so mad. I was about to run back out there and get that bitch again.

"Calm down Yeshiva." Vince begged.

"No. That bitch crossed the fuckin line." I said angrily.

"It's okay. You know Darron gon get on her ass about it. So chill." he said.

"Fine." I said forcing myself to make the death thoughts disappear.

Darron Pov

"I can't believe you would do some dumb ass shit like that!" I yelled at Veronica.

"I only said it because it was true Darron!" Veronica screamed.

"She did nothing to you and she can do what she wants, she is single. Plus, Omar is single too." I said.

I didn't want to believe Omar and Yeshiva slept together. I had feelings for her that not even I could explain. I thought I would be the one she would end up sleeping with, but maybe that wasn't the case. That pissed me off even more.

"I swear you're so naive." Veronica said.

"Better than being a bitter bitch for no damn reason! I'm done with you Veronica! It's over!" I yelled before grabbing her by her arm and pulling her out the house.

"You'll regret thi-" I slammed the door in her face and went into my room.

I was pissed and hurt. What more could life throw at me?

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