Strive for Success.

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Yeshiva POV

I had been working for two months now, and I had to change my work schedule to do my school hours. Today was my first day going to college. I knew it would be hard, but I would work my ass off to make sure I did what I had to do to insure a better future for my daughter and I. I couldn't wait to get there.

I put on a greyish baby blue tank top with a blue button down shirt over it. I tied the bottom of the shirt into a knot so it was just under my boobs, and the tank top could be seen. I put on some black jeans and some black and white Nikes and some silver jewelry. I wet my hair and he shed it. It felled down my back all curly and silky. I put in some eye liner and lip gloss and grabbed my purse. I got in my car and started my drive to school.

I parked in the school parking lot and got out the car. I walked down the long walk way until I got to the right building. I walked in and there was a long hallway wit stairwells on either side. My class was on the second floor, so I took the stairs.

I found my class room number and went inside. Looked like I was on time because only a few people were in there and some people were still coming in. After everyone had showed up, the professor started. It was an introduction. Since this was English class, he told us to write and paper on our lives. Front and back. I could write a book about my life, so this should be easy.

I went to my Algebra class. I was not the best mathematician, but I would try and get help when I needed it. We were given an assignment to see if we knew some of the basic methods needed. It was a short answer assignment. It was due tomorrow.

My Biology class was my worst. She gave us an assignment on writing a two page essay telling what we knew about biology. I didn't feel like writing it, so I would just write really big so it looked like it was more than it actually was. I would make it look like it was the longest shit ever when it was really like eight paragraphs that took up a page every two paragraphs.

I already took both of my college history courses when I was in high school, ya girl was an over achiever. I had government. I don't really like government and anything to do with economy or politics, so I was bored out of my mind. We were told to write two paragraphs on examples of ways the government helps us.

After all that, I bought myself a subway sandwich some chips, and a soda and got one for Nya. I got her a cookie, some chips, and some juice as well. I knew she wasn't going to eat it all right away because she was too little, so she would have something to eat off of all day. She would be nice and full and would be taking a nap while I did my homework. I bought the guys some sandwiches and chips too. I knew how they both liked their sandwiches, so I was good on that part.

When I got home, Omar had already picked Nya up from daycare and they were watching TV. I put her sandwich on the table and picked her up and hugged her.

"Hey momma's baby." I said happily.

"Mommy I missed you!" she exclaimed happily.

"Did you have fun with uncle Omar?" I asked.

"Yesh. Uncle Omar gave me some weeses peanut butta cups." she said happily as if he had given her a diamond ring.

I looked at him with an angry glare. I told him not to be giving her candy I ain't trying to have my baby teeth all rotted and cavityfied. I rolled my eyes at him and carried Nya to the table. I sat her down at her high chair and cut the her sandwich in fourths. I got her a foot long so she could eat off that and I wouldn't constantly have to prepare meals all day.

"Yay!" she cheered.

She dug in and I dug in too. Omar came and sat with us and started eating his sandwich. I noticed Nya kind of looked sad. I asked her what was wrong.

"I want my daddyyyyy." she said before bursting into tears.

"Come on sweety. It's okay." I said holding her and laying her hear on my bosom.

"Aaah! Aaaah! I want my daddy!" she cried loudly.

Tears and snot covered her little red face. I took her into my room and got her cleaned up. I picked up my phone and dialed Nathan. He picked up on the first ring.

"Yeshiva where the fuck are you with my daughter!?" he yelled into the phone angrily.

"We moved." I said.

"What the fuck Yeshiva!? You left without telling me and with my daughter! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" he yelled.

"I had to get away. I had no other place to go." I said.

"I would have let y'all move in with me." he said.

"Nigga hell naw. I would have beat Keya ass." I said.

"Man just let me talk to my damn daughter bro." he said.

"Here Nya. It's daddy." I said.

She grabbed the phone quickly. "Daddyyyy!" she exclaimed happily.

"Hey daddy's baby. What you doin?" he asked.

"Nuthin. Just finish eatin. I miss you daddy." she said.

"I miss you too sweety. You been good?" he asked.

"Yes. I cry for you earlier." she said.

"Awww man. You my princess and no matter where you go I'll always find you. Daddy loves you." he said.

"Love you too daddy." She said quietly as she started to cry.

"Don't cry Nya." he said.

"Daddy I want you to come visit me." she said through tears.

"I'll be there. Let me talk to yo momma." he said.

uh oh

I took the phone back. "Hello?" I said.

"Where the duck you at!?" he yelled loudly.

"New York." I said nervously.

"New York!?" he exclaimed angrily. "What the fuck Shiva!"

"Sorry. I'll call you back later." I said as tears fell from my eyes. I hung up the phone.

I was feeling so guilty. Maybe I shouldn't have come here. I couldn't just leave. My whole life was here now. He'll just have to come visit because I refuse to go backwards and move back to that hell hole.

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