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Slowly, the sun began to shine through the wall of windows, my head began filling with memories of the night before. I drank with the group, argued with Bonnie, and... ended up sleeping with her.
Shouldn't I be nervous? Shouldn't I be mad at myself? Why am I not feeling guilty?

I looked down in my arms and saw the peaceful, sleeping woman in my arms. My god, she's gorgeous.

"Morning" I said in a low voice as she began to stir.

"Hey..." She spoke with her eyes still closed, unlike me... she wasn't smiling.

I watched as she finally opened those big green eyes and sat up, her bare back was now the only part of her that I could see. Why is she being so... distant?

"Bonnie?" I started as I followed her movements, however she shifted away from my touch. "What's wrong?"

Shaking her head, she replied with, "Nothing", Moving out of the bed and making sure to cover her body with the blanket that she dragged off the bed, I watched her begin to collect her clothing that I had discarded off her the night before.

"Where are you going?" I asked, I'm confused, why is she being so cold?

Hesitantly, she started to reply, "I er" There was a pause, "I forgot... I'm meant to have breakfast with Care and Elena"

I furrowed my brows, she think I'm supposed to believe that? I know her better than she thinks I do.

I moved out of the sheets and stood in front of her. Her lips buried themselves into a thin line, her eyes weren't sparkling like they usually do.

"What's wrong?" I took her clothed filled hands and looked down, trying desperately to find eye contact.

Our still naked bodies just inches apart from each other. "I just need to go, Leo" She sighed.

"Will I see you later?", My hand , almost instinctively, moved to brush a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Probably" She shrugged, her eyes still failing to find mine. "I need to go", With that she took herself into the bathroom, locked the door and began getting ready.
Have I done something wrong?

"Bonnie..." I started as she opened the door again. "What have I done?"

"I'm asking myself that question too" Her reply was blunt as she made her way out of the suite. Leaving me confused and most of all, leaving me feeling empty.
Oh. My. God. What have I done? I can't believe! That I slept him. I can't like him that way... no I can't love him that way either! Neither can he, he can't love me like that, like the way he will always love Rebekah.

"Caroline! Open the door" I said, as I banged on to the door with my fist.

"Oh my gosh Bonnie" Caroline answered in a whining tone, "what is it?"

"Ive done something stupid, and now I don't know what to do..." I answered.

Once Caroline let me inside of her room, I sat down on one of the leather couches. These hotel rooms are crazy! They're way better than my house.

"Tell me Bonnie, what's happened?" She asked me.

"Last night, after everyone left... I went to Leos room... and we... we slept together" I told her, "And I'm really really... well... I don't know what to do!"

"OMG!" Caroline threw her hands over her mouth. "Bonnie!"

"I know!" I dropped my face into my palm.

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