Familiar Faces

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It was a new day. The sun was shining, the birds were still chirping... but life never felt more unpredictable.

"Good morning", Leo mumbled on the back of Bonnies neck, "I'm starving... let me just have a bite..."

"You dare..." Bonnie warned him, fully aware of his playfulness.

"But you smell delicious!" He wined, kissing the bare skin of her shoulder.

Once she turned around to face the Salvatore, her hand found his cheek as she caressed it softly, "I don't know how you're so calm right now..."

"As long as your safe, and both of my brothers are alive... I'm not going to worry", He replied, relaxing at the feeling of her touch. "However, I think Damon and Elena might be angry... I'm sure that's not how they planned their wedding to end..."

"No one did." Bonnie replied, "I can't believe that this is happening... Kai, Katherine..." She gulped, "Enzo"

Leo sighed slightly, "How does he feel about us?"

Bonnie shrugged, "He didn't really mention how he felt, he told me he understood and that he missed me"

"Bonnie, you do know I'll understand if you went back to him..." As much as it pained him to say it... he had to. Leo had to state the obvious fact of how his girlfriend could leave him any second for her ex, who she never broke up with.

"Leo..." Bonnie shook her head, "I want you, I love you!"

"But you loved Enzo first..."

"Yes, you're right, but... what I'm telling you and what I told you last night..." She moved herself on top of his body, "nothing can change what happened in the past, and you... you're my present and my future."

Leaning forward and pressing his forehead against here, Leo let out a content sigh with a smile. "I love you so much"

"How cute" A familiar voice came from the other side of the room.

"Katherine?" Leo looked up, "what're you going? Get out!"

"Oh come on Leo..." Katherine pouted, "don't be so uptight... I know you'd love to experience what your brothers did..."

"In your dreams" Leo chuckled, "There's a reason I didn't chase you around with Stefan and Damon"

Katherine rolled her eyes with a smirk. "I am quite surprised though..." She started, "I didn't think you'd be in bed with Leo this morning..." Her eyes fell on to Bonnie

"I'm not you Katherine." Bonnie replied sharply, "I don't jump into different beds every night"

"I see your attitude hasn't improved." Katherine snarled.

"What is it that you want Katherine?" The youngest Salvatore brother finally sat up, however he kept a strong arm on Bonnie underneath the blankets.

"Well... I just thought I'd come and inform you that Leo... might want to stay clear of Bonnies precious Enzo." Katherine made an innocent face expression.

"Why? What's happened?" Bonnie raised her brow, "what's happened to Enzo, Katherine?"

"I'll show you..." The vamp took a hand of both Leo and Bonnie before they all closed their eyes.
There was a sudden flash before all three of them could see Enzo and Kai.

"Well that..." Kai started as he stood behind Enzo... "Was tragic." He finished, "It must suck when the 'love of your life' has found a new epic love."

Enzo turned around in a flash. Fists clenched, and ready to fight. The British man went straight for the Gemini Coven leader.
With one swift movement of Kai's hand, Enzo fell to the floor, groaning at the burning sensation that Kai had inflicted on to him. "Okay... we've been through this before, I kill you... you lose the girl. Do we really need to go through this again? You do realise I'm trying to help you win Bonnie back by killing Leo?"

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