Pretty sleeper

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"Ahh" Damon sighed as he stepped of the airplane "finally, we're here"

"I like travelling like that" Elena smiled as she followed him

"And that..." He turned to face her "is why being a vampire is so fun" Damon smiled "think about it... if we were humans... we wouldn't be able to compel someone to give us their private jet and personal pilot"

Elena rolled her eyes with a slight laugh "so... London... here we are"

"It's not raining... surprisingly" He shrugged

"Do you think everyone back home are ..." She started

"Ah ah ah" Damon wiggled his finger before placing it on her lips "no worrying, come on, let's go have fun!"

"So... Damon and Elena are gone?" Leo raised a brow as he walked into the kitchen, meeting Stefan

"They're in England" Stefan replied "they both wanted a break"

Leo shrugged , but something ... well a thought crossed his mind "you and Elena ever ... ya know?" He winked before whistling a slight tune

Stefan rolled his eyes "I know you already know , Leo"

"I just wanted to hear about my older brothers love life ... especially when the doppelgänger of Katherine is involved" The younger brother smirked

"Elena and I ... we will always be good friends" Stefan told him

"But..." Leo smiled cheekily "you want to be more then friends" He winked

"Actually..." Stefan shook his head "no... I like the person Damon has become"

"Damons always been overly friendly" Leo laughed

"There's a lot you've missed" Stefan sighed

"Well... I'd love to catch up..." Leo started "but I have to go meet my friend"

"Friend?" Stefan raised his brow


"Your very friendly with the family that tried to kill me and Damon more then once" The older Salvatore brother crossed his arms

"Well they did help me through a lot" Leo said with genuine emotion in his eyes...

1864 London, England
The young Salvatore and Kol were strolling through the woods...
"Do you ever think you will go back to the United States of America, young Leo?" Kol asked

"I don't know" Leo answered "I'm not sure if I should... My father and mother are dead ... my brother turned me into a monster and...I'm not even sure if my other brother is still alive"

"Your not a monster Leo... you'll understand soon enough" Kol chuckled "I tell you what..." The original looked the Salvatore in the eye "your family now... brother"

There was a noise, someone was heading towards them...

"Any clue who that could be?" Leo asked , his eyes searching around them

"Don't worry, it's Rebekah, she has always loved to make an entrance"

"Brother!" Rebekah appeared "why do you always have to spoil my fun!?" Her eyes fell on to Leo

"Hello" Leo smiled

"I can see the two of you are already going to be a bad combination" The blonde gave one last glance towards Leo before leaving

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