Part 3 Your Apartment

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Just to clear things up with Y/n
They have a scar on their face ig like todoroki and have a prosthetic eyeball because of the fire. idc how to come up with an accident so just make up a scenario😃 okay on with the story

11:23 am
"ugh. i feel like i'm choking". you start to feel your neck and realize it was the cord from your earbuds. you untangle them from your neck and roll off of bed ending up on the floor. *bang* your whole body fell face flat onto the floor and your dad ran in.

dad: y/n are you oka-
y/n: ...
dad: uh.. food will be ready in 10
y/n: *muffled* mkayy

10 minutes later

your already brushing your teeth and just finished brushing your h/l, h/c hair. You spit the toothpaste from your mouth and dried your face after washing it with water. you walk over to the kitchen when there was some buttered toast and eggs.

y/n: thanks for making breakfast dad. i could've made it for you if i was up early enough
dad: oh don't worry about it kiddo your fine
y/n: so do you have a job?
dad: Yup! a good one too but i have nightshift so i wont be here until morning
y/n: nightshift for what?
dad: hospital. you know checking the hallways to make sure patients aren't walking around and stuff
y/n: oh okay cool

You and your dad finish eating and he tells you he's going to the store, you tell him you don't feel like going and you'll prolly be with sal and larry

Time Skip

"What the hell- it's already 3:09 and dad isn't here? Oh well." you shrugged it off since you liked being alone and being able to blast your music without being told to turn it down. it wasn't that loud it was only on volume.. 42.. you said in your head. "it's fine these walls are a bit thick?"

knock knock

It's dad? Wait no dad can open the door just fine why would he-
You open the door and it was Sal!
y/n: Hey sal
Sal: Hey
y/n: you wanna come in my dad isn't home
Sal: W-what?
y/n: WAIT NO- it's not like that i swear..
Sal: Oh okay

You noticed his ears were red from your statement, your could say the same about yourself though. You looked like a tomato from that. Sal didn't say anything though, he knew that'd make you nervous.
As you lead him to your room, once you open the door the music blasted through the small apartment

Sal: Geez- that's surprisingly louder than larry's music
y/n: oh- i don't find it that loud but lemme turn it down

You turn it down to 28. "Is that better?"
Sal: Way better

You could tell he was smiling over the fact that you were flushed when he told you the music was louder than Larry's. LARRYS. You honestly didn't believe it but oh well.

It's been an hour and your dad still hasn't came so you texted him


y/n: Dad? Why aren't you home yet?

Sorry about that, the hospital needs help with the computers so i'm here right now and i'll prolly be home by morning because of night shift

y/n: oh

is anyone there with you? or just music?

i'm with Sal rn, with in my room with me

You better not do anything crazy okay?

yes sir.
read 3:35

Sal: So what happened?
y/n: my dad is at the hospital and might now come til morning
Sal: Oh
y/n: Yeah, it's fine though i like it without him. i miss my mom a bunch
Sal: I understand
y/n: i'm sure you do since we both kinda went thru the same thing ig
Sal: Yeah i guess

45 minutes later

After listening to a bunch of Sanity's Falls music on repeat you both decided to watch a scary movie.
*of your choice*
y/n: this one?
Sal: Yeah i like that one
y/n: okay lemme get the snacks, so you like popcorn right?
Sal: Yup
y/n: Okay

You got some popcorn from the bottom cabinet but you needed a bowl and they are pretty high up. You climbed on the counter WITH SOCKS *because your smart.* and right when you got the bowl you slipped and almost fell.
But Sal was getting water right next to you so he quickly caught you and you both fell onto the ground.
Sal: Y-you okay?
y/n: yeah..
Sal: You could've just asked me to get the bowl yk?
y/n: uhm yeah i forgot about that

You were still sitting on his lap and you realized that he accidentally spilled water since he caught you.
Sal: Uh- oh right i forgot about that

You quickly ran up to the micorwave and threw the popcorn in and cleaned up the water from the floor and just fell onto the couch waiting for the popcorn. Sal walks up to the couch with some chocolate milk and offers you some.
Sal: You want some?
y/n: mmm.. no im good
Sal: Oh oka-
y/n: ok maybe a little bit

You take a small sip of the milk and run up the the microwave so it doesn't hit 0 seconds since it was at 7. You got the popcorn and sat down to watch the movie.
The couch was pretty short since you can bend your neck all the way back and your neck was kind of hurting so you slowly lay your head on Sals shoulder. Hoping he wouldn't notice but he obviously did. He looked at you and his mask rose up as he smiled.
Which made you smile. a lot.

Before the movie even finished you passed out on sals lap because he moved you there since his shouldered started to numb.

He was messing with your straight/wavy/curly h/c hair

If you uh don't have hair then i'm sorry😭

You slowly start to wake up and you turn to see Sals face above you. You smiled and laid up.
y/n: were you staring at me this whole time?
Sal: No, i was watching the movie but. pla....

He started to mumble and you noticed his ears were red.

y/n: you were what?

He continued to mumble and you found it cute but you were also curious.

y/n: ohhh..
Sal: What?
y/n: it's fine i felt you playing with my hair
Sal: W-what? Y-you felt me doing that?
y/n: yeah it was quite relaxing actually

Sal grabbed onto his pig tails and got flustered
You giggled at his actions and hugged him. He didn't know how to react at first but he hugged you back and you both decided to go to larry's since there was nothing to do at your apartment anymore.

I'm trying so hard to keep sal in character and not make him confident and stuff but i hope y'all like my story😭

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