Chapter 13 Milk and Cookies

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Sal started to play a riff he just learned on his guitar. "AYYY YOU LEARNED THE SANITYS FALLS SONG" Larry exclaimed.
Sal put his hands on the strings of his guitar to make them stop.

"When did you even learn that?" Larry said with his jaw nearly touching the ground.
"damn it close your mouth or flies will go in it.." Sal snorted turning away.
"Shut the hell up" Larry rolled his eyes pretending to be annoyed by his remark.

I was just listening to them go at it for 5 minutes until i realized I had suddenly dozed off.
I didn't realize I was out until I got woken up by Sal.

"Hey, wake up" I slowly opened my eyes as i felt Sal patting my forehead. "huh.." I got up looking around noticing a blanket around me. "thanks for the blanket" I smiled tiredly.
"no problem Y/n" Sal made sure you knew he was smiling by squinting his eyes.

"How long was i out anyways?" I lay back down. "Uhhh.. like 30..?" Sal turned to Larry wondering if he knew. "What? OH, shit i don't know" Larry rubbed the back of his neck in confusion.
"Ah alright then 30 minutes or so" Sal held a thumbs up.

"So why'd you wake me up then?" I tilted my head to the side.
"Because, your dad texted me he was on his way home and he wanted me to let you know!" Sal pulled out his phone to show you the messages. "Ohhh okay okay"

"OH before i go to my apartment can i draw something on your guitar?" I smiled.
"..uhm... it better not look like shit, you got that?" Sal pointed at me handing me his guitar and some sharpie off the dusty ass floor.

"uhhh... what should i put-" Larry cut me off saying the stupidest shit.

"Draw a penis"

I turned to Larry shaking my head.
"damn that's a bummer" He shrugged. "ill draw a plain smiley face" I said as i began to do just that.

"Not bad, not bad" Sal said nodding his head in approval.

"I know right?" I grinned.


"Damn. Must be my dad." I let out a exhausted breath. "Alrighty then, see you later Y/n!" Sal said as he hugged you and messing up your hair before you walked out.
"Bye Y/n!" Larry yelled out before you shut the door behind you.

"How was your day?" Dad said smiling. "It was pretty fun if i'm being honest."

"That's great to hear" He hugged me as he opened the door for me.
"Home, sweet Home am I right?" He patted my back before i went and threw myself onto the couch.

"I might just sleep here tonight" I said muffled with my face in the couch.
"Oh? Well if you're comfortable there.." Dad said looking a little confused.

"Alrighty sweetheart, I'm going to bed. You should too" He said patting my head as he headed towards his room.

After he shut the door i just laid there in silence, not thinking, just blank.

I sighed.
I soon closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep til morning.

Time Skip to morning!

I slowly opened my eyes noticing i had a blanket covering me all cozy, along with a sticky note next to me saying,

  Im off to work, i left some breakfast for you. Have a good day, i'll be back late as usual. Love ya!
    ~ Dad :)

As soon as I finished, I walked over to the dining table to eat the leftover pancakes dad had left for me.
I turned my head glancing over my phone and realized Larry had messaged me.
I picked up my phone reading what he said.

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