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Hello beautiful people, sorry for being away.


Jimin blinks.

"How did you come to this conclusion?" The boy asks, trying to put two and two together but failing to find the correlation between Taehyung having stomach pains and him wanting to get fucked.

The taller groans and punches Jimin's shoulder. "Are you stupid?"


"That disgusting feeling is my body telling me it wants to get fucked by a midget."

"That's so specific."

Taehyung groans again and whips his head to the side, trying not to lose his shit and beat this kid up right here. "We're doing it tonight, come to my room when everyone has went to bed."

"Wait, do I even get a say in this?" The boy asks, not even recalling Taehyung asking him if he wants to do this.

Taehyung turns back and lifts Jimin's chin up with his finger. He licks the younger's lips and grins. "Oh babyboy, why bother asking when I won't allow a no."

In one smooth movement he leaves the room and closes the door behind him, leaving Jimin shocked and starting to panic. "I have to fuck that beast of a man?!" He whispers to himself after splashing water in his face, realization striking him.

For whatever reason, Jimin doesn't want to go against Taehyung or talk back to him too much. After all this time, he's still a bit scared of the man and from the stories he's heard, the blonde is not one to mess with.

Sex isn't really something that Jimin puts a lot of meaning behind, and it's not that he finds Taehyung unattractive or anything, it just feels weird. His night with Namjoon was conceived out of anger and frustration, but Taehyung litterally planned this.

The boy studies his face in the mirror, sighing. Life feels like it's on autopilot lately, especially the nights. He seems to get himself in quite a lot of trouble with the other members and for whatever reason it always happens at night.

It's nice to have people ariund him but why does he have to fight to be liked? He likes them so why dont they like him back?

At least he has Hoseok and Yoongi, who basically act like ankers for Jimin to grab onto if he needs it. He smiles and immidiately runs downstairs and launches himself at Hoseok, burying his face in his neck.

He always smells so good.

"Hey bub, you feeling happy?" The elder of the two asks when he wraps his arms around the younger.

"Mhh". Jimin jumps up and wraps his legs around Hoseok's waist and the redhead has to drop everything he's holding to hold the boy so he doesn't fall. The warmth and comfort of Hoseok's body makes Jimin all drowzy and he almost falls asleep untill he's put on his feet again.

Shocked and dissapointed he looks up at the elder who grins back at him. "You were causing a problem for me, bub."

It takes Jimin a few seconds to understand what Hoseok's talking about and turns beat read when he realises, bowing a full 90 degrees to hide his face. "Sorry sorry sorry I didn't mea-" A slight peck on the lips after his chin is lifted shuts him up, but doesnt make his face any less red.

"Calm down, it's okay."

While Jimin stares in awe at the lips that just kissed him, he realises how pretty Hoseok really is. He always knew he was handsome, but his face has such soft and delicate features if you look past his built body and strong prescense.

He reaches forward and strokes a thumb over the elder's soft cheek, then brings his other hand up to do the same to the other side. As if in a trance, Jimin leans forward. "Pretty..."

The kiss is slow. It's like they both want to take in this momemt for as long as possible before anyone decides to disturb them in the far corner of the dimly lit kitchen. When it ends, reality returns and the light feeling in his chest turns into a heavy pounding.

Jimin releases Hoseok's face and looks down at his feet. "Sorry.. again." Without looking up, he speed walks away, ready to scream into a pillow because of what he just did.

Hoseok chuckles as he watches the boy stumble his way up the stairs, which Jimin catches a small glimpse of while tripping over his own feet.

The pounding in his chest only increases.

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now