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Is this story still enjoyable? I have a feeling I'm flunking it :(


Jimin, who hasn't noticed how Seokjin is basically screaming on the inside by his adorable ways, continues watching the movie before he freezes in his seat.

With a loud scream, he launches himself off of Seokjin and falls to the ground, quickly scrambling to get up. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" He yells, his eyes wide from shock.

Seokjin laughs at the boy and repositions to a more comfortable position. "Yeah sorry that was me."

It takes Jimin a few seconds to understand, but once he does, he turns bright red and sits down next to the man. "That's so random."

The elder just shrugs. "I got a thing for cute boys." Jimin hits his shoulder and rolls his eyes playfully. "Weirdo."

Seokjin laughs and they continue watching the movie, Jimin falling asleep in the last few minutes but Seokjin just lets him be. Once the movie is over, he stretches and turns off the tv.

Looking at the sleeping boy, Seokjin smiles fondly and picks him up bridal style to carry him to his bed.

Even though Jimin is quite small, he's still heavy as fuck, considering the muscle mass the younger has, but its nothing Seokjin hasn't carried before.

Almost arrived at Jimin's room door, he bumps into Taehyung. The younger looks from Jimin to Seokjin and tilts his head slightly. "Want me to take over? You seem like you're having a hard time." He asks softly so Jimin doesn't wake up.

The elder's gaze almost pierces through Taehyung, trying to keep himself from getting angry."Don't even fucking try to be funny." He responds, a bit too loud this time.

Jimin frowns and groans in his sleep, his fists grabbing Seokjin's shirt and his face nuzzles against his chest.

Taehyung smirks and pats Seokjin on the shoulder as he passes him, leaving for the bathroom. "Have fun, big guy."

Surpressing a growl, Seokjin pulls away from Taehyung's touch and walks into Jimin's room, softly laying him down on the bed and draping the cover over him.

He sighs as he leaves the room and heads for his own. This kid is causing more trouble in a few days than there's ever been in years.

As he's about to open the door to his room, he sees Taehyung come out of the bathroom out the corner of his eye. Glaring at him, he opens his mouth to speak but Taehyung beats him to it.

"Don't be so uptight all the time, old man. I'm allowed to have a little fun."


For the short amount of time Jimin has moved in in this residence, he's had the chance to bump into every man and have a moment with them. If that'd be a good one or a bad one.

But there's one boy that hasn't said much more than a few sentences to him, and that's Jungkook. Hoseok told him that he shouldn't take it personal and that the other is just very bad with new people.

Jimin wants to believe that, but he also has always had this urge to talk to as many people as possible, finding it interesting how every person has a different story.

But every time he tries to talk to Jungkook, he just smiles and walks away, just straight up avoiding him and not hiding it.

Jimin sighs as he plays with his fingers. "Hobi?" He asks, turning to the elder. He's grown quite close with the red head and he's the person he hangs out with the most, aside from Yoongi and Seokjin. Namjoon and Jungkook try to avoid him and Jimin avoids Taehyung, so they just never speak.

Hoseok hums in repsonse, not looking up from the drawing he's working on. "Why doesn't Jungkook want to talk to me?"

Sighing, he puts down his pencil and looks at the boy pouting next to him. "I've told you before, that's just how he is."

"But I really want to."

"No, let him come to you."



The boy immediately shuts up and mutters a sorry, then lets Hoseok go back to his drawing.

After a while of silence, he speaks up again.

"Jungkook is our powerhouse, a bulldozer we put in when we really need to, but we try to keep him away from doing the extremely violent stuff."

"Why?" The boy asks, getting more intrigued by the second.

"Because with that kind of power comes a downside. We've all learned to control that power hungry side of us because it can cause for irrational thinking and just dumb stuff in general. Jungkook never picked it up however."

"And what does this all have to do with the fact that I can't talk to him?"

Hoseok runs a hand through his hair and grins slightly.

"Would you try to pet an untamed wolf?"

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