[The first night]

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It's his first night in the house and Jimin lies awake in the bed that's supposed to be his now.

The boys told him that they used to sleep in one room and that Boss only gave them seperate rooms when they were all in their twenties.

He's kind of happy that he has his own room, sleeping with six total strangers would be incredibly awkward for him.

But Jimin's mind can't seem to give him a break, countless thoughts and worries fill up every part of his body. Will he be good enough? Will Namjoon eventually like like him?

He turns on his side as tears start to well up in his eyes. "Do you miss me, mama?"

He closes his eyes when he feels tears stream down his face but quickly wipes them away when he hears the door open.

"Jinnie.." A voice comes from the door and a figure appears in the doorway. Jimin tries to focus his eyes, trying to recognize the person in the darkness.

When the figure comes closer, Jimin sees who it is. "Hoseok-hyung?" The boy mumbles with a raspy voice.

"Oh! Sorry Jimin, I thought I was in Seokjin's room. I don't know how I still get the rooms mixed up after so long." He chuckles and Jimin smiles along with him.

When Hoseok turns around to leave the room again, Jimin calls for him. "Wait! C-can you stay?"

Hoseok turns around, one eyebrow up and goes to sit on the bed. "What's up?"

Jimin hangs his head low, he was already emotional and he didn't want to cry infront of one of his hyungs again. Luckily, Hoseok sees Jimin struggling to talk, he leans forward and places his hand on the boy's back. "Hey bub, you can talk to me."

Jimin lifts his head and smiles weakly at the man infront of him. "It's just scary I guess."

Hoseok sighs and removes his hand. "I know it is, bub, Im not gonna sugar coat anything. But even though we don't know you, you live here now, which means you're one of us."

"Not everyone thinks that.." Jimin mumbles in a pout.

"Yeah but Namjoon is a dick, he doesn't count." Hoseok says annoyed, making Jimin chuckle. "We'll bond quickly, I promise." He whispers, trying to lock eyes with Jimin.

When their eyes meet, Jimin takes in the other's features. He has such a friendly face and bright eyes, he looks like the sun as a person.

Just looking at the man will make your day ten times better and Jimin feels his sadness disappear when the man's big heart-like smile spreads across his face.

"Can you stay longer, please?"

Hoseok laughs and jumps in next to the boy, his legs ontop of the blanket while Jimin is buried under it.

"So, what do you want to do?"

When Jimin wakes up, he immediatly feels the warmth of a body under his head. Confused, he shoots up and is met with Hoseok's sleepimg face.

Jimin sighs and lays his head back on Hoseok's chest, smiling to himself.

He thinks back to last night. They stayed up almost the whole night, talking about their interests, their passions and their futures.

Hoseok explained everything about his experience from the moment he arrived in the house, and that Namjoom was the first boy to be selected at only thirteen years old.

Jimin can't imagine how stressful that has to be and he gets why Namjook wants him gone now, he's just as scared as he was almost eleven years ago.

The pink haired boy looks at the clock and sees it's 11 am. Luckily Boss gave them another day off, because if Jimin had to get up at eight when he fell asleep at five, he'd probably die from exhaustion.

Five peaceful minutes pass and Jimin has almost fallen back asleep when the door flies open and none other than the team's oldest comes in.

Hoseok wakes up from the sound, looking around lost and Jimin quickly sits up.

It takes Seokjin maybe three seconds before he starts marching towards Hoseok and hitting him repeatedly on the head.

"Really, pervert?! He's here one fucking day and you've already made him sleep with you?! I will beat your ass untill you can't feel your legs anymore if you've hurt him!"

Seokjin is so busy beating Hoseok up that the red head has no room to explain that he didn't do anything.

The ruckus makes the rest of the boys look to see what's going on and four curious heads pop up in the door way.

"YOU GUYS FUCKED?!" Yoongi yells, covering his mouth and bursting out in laughter while Jungkook tries to hold his in. Taehyung and Namjoom just roll their eyes as they all walk in the room.

"No! Hoseok hyung didn't hurt me!" Jimin screeches, trying to get Seokjin to stop.

"He didn't? Then he didn't fuck you well enough." Taehyung mutters, making Jungkook drop to the ground, his stomach hurting from laughing.

"Taehyung shut the fuck up, we didn't have sex. We just talked and then I fell asleep here, now please fuck off so I can put some ice on my head." He says as he glares at Seokjin angrily who just crosses his arms.

When Hoseok gets up and leaves the room, Namjoom speaks up. "You're not lying to us, right?" He asks the boy, his eyebrow shooting up.

And without thinking, Jimin answers, mocking Namjoon. "Jealous?"

He quickly covers his mouth and stares at Namjoon with wide eyes. A veign pops up in the man's neck and he walks over to Jimin and grabs him by the throat.

He inches his face closer and squints his eyes. "Don't talk to me like that ever again. You're getting too comfortable too quickly. If you pull something like that again, I will not hesitate to fuck you up." He growls, releasing the young boy's throat.

Jimin gasps for air as he watches the brunette leave.

It's silent for a few seconds before Jungkook shrugs his shoulders.

"You kind of deserved that one."


I have a new book :) Go give it some love, please :)


Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu