[The wolf bites]

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lol hey. reminder that jimin is the youngest from the bunch


Jimin's first mission was a massive succes.

Everyone who was willing to admit how impressed they were, showered the boy in compliments and payed their respects for his way of handling it. The ones who have too much pride to ever stoop as low as to give Jimin the praise that he wants, kept quiet and went on with their day.

Weeks pass and even though his journey started slow, action seems to follow the boy everywhere he goes.

There has been talk about a new attachment to Myung-Daes infamous squad, everyone in the underground crime world trying to decipher who it is, what he looks like and where he came from.

Of course, Myung-Dae keeps his boys very well hidden and no one has found out yet, but they are all aware that its not impossible for someone to spot their new teammate riding alongside the few revealed faces of the other members.

Because of the discovery of Jimin's fighting talent, hes been put at the most important lines during every mission, putting their full trust into this total stranger.

But at the end of the day, theyre all just a group of strangers, not one of them knows the other better than anybody else. But they never pretend they do. The boys care about each other, but in the end, their lives would still continue if they didnt have eachother. Pride plays a big role in the group, but theyre all aware how cruel and unforgiving this world really is.

Anything can happen at any time.


Jimin turns his head and walks over to Namjoon who calls him from the other room. He sees how Jungkook silently watches the two interract. The boy doesnt know if Jungkook knows that Jimin notices the constant eyes he has on him ever since his first big mission, but its almost hard not to.

They havent really interacted much, just casual roommate stuff or accidently bumping into each other in the halls. Jimin has been too focused on his job as one of Myung-Dae's best to properly give attention to all the boys.

When he first arrived, he made it his goal to get respect from every single one of the boys. Some were won over pretty quickly, but people like Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook just take a lot more work.

Jimin wants to believe Namjoon has been won over though, although hes not as close to the man as he is to Yoongi or Hoseok, they still act casually around each other. The man hasnt even called him 'Jimin' in months.

Taehyung is still a bitch to him, but that will probably never change.

"I'm going to bed early." Jimin exclaims as he tiredly rubs his eyes, waving at the rest of the men. He notices how Jungkook keeps watching, he notices the sound of a chair sliding over the floor and the footsteps of someone following right behind him.

When theyre both upstairs, Jimin turns around and looks right into the eyes of Jungkook.


"Hi." Jungkook blushes and almost as if its second nature, Jimin sticks out his hand and tickles the underside of the man's chin, resulting in his wrist being grabbed and pulled away. Jimin drops his arm when Jungkook releases it and they keep standing infront of each other, both ignoring what just happened.

"Why'd you follow me?" Jimin thoroughly studies the way Jungkook's face moves around, seemingly switching from emotion to emotion and finally landing in a smile. "Uhh i dont know." He answers, hands awkwardly stuffed in his pockets. Jimin takes this as an invitation to try what he did before again and tickles the elder under his chin. Jungkook flinches but lets it happen anyway, very obviously trying not to pull away.

The man makes Jimin think of a puppy sometimes. A very prideful one, but at heart still a young dog.

When Jimin pulls away, Jungkook almost looks disappointed and the shorter grabs the man's arm and pulls him along to his room, both not speaking but being in a comfortable silence.

"Y'know for a wolf, you sure can be gentle."

Jungkook tilts his head in confusion, having no idea what Jimin is talking about but not asking questions anyway.

They sit on Jimin's bed for a while untill Jimin falls back on his back with his arm stretched out to the side. With his foot he pokes Jungkook to lie down aswell and much to Jimins surprise, the man listens and lies down on the other's chest.

Jungkook's warmth works on Jimin like a drug and he wraps his arm properly around the man, petting his hair with his other hand. He doesnt know where this is all coming from and why Jungkook is letting this happen, but the shorter is not complaining. Jungkook is so big and soft, better than any pillow could be.

Tiredness falls on both men but they don't fall asleep, both too wary of their surroundings and not in a fully comfortable atmosphere to give eachother full trust. Jimin has had no problems falling asleep infront of the other men outside of Taehyung, but for some reason he feels like he needs to be alert in this very moment.

"Are you grateful?"

The question seemingly comes out of nowhere and takes Jimin aback, but he tries not to let it show as he answers.


Its silent again untill Jimin goes more into it.

"I'm grateful im still alive and im grateful i have somewhere to live. For the rest i dont feel like God has been on my side."

Jungkook hums and removes Jimin's hand from his head, holding the younger's wrist as if its a piece of paper.

Jimin feels Jungkook's lips on his fingertips, followed by the warmth of his mouth and finishing off with the feeling of his teeth sinking into his knuckle. He flinches and pulls back, raising one eyebrow.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Cause wolves bite."

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