[The third protégé comes home]

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Nerviously, the boy sits in the car driving through the gates of the private property.

Myung-Dae told him before that he's going to be living with two other boys. One fifteen years of age and the other, seventeen.

They're al so young, Yoongi thinks. How come they were all lost enough to join the mafia at such a young age?

He also remembers that Myung-Dae wouldn't be living with them, but he will check on them once in a while.

There will be maides living in the house to take care of them and bodyguards to keep them 'safe', even though they're probably only there to make sure the boys don't make a run for it.

The car stops infront of the place that is now his home. His eyes widen at the sight of it.

Do houses this big actually exist?

The chauffeur leads him to the front door and opens it, giving the boy a quick wink before leaving and locking the door again.

Yoongi already had the whole talk with Boss, as he likes to be called, about what his purpose is and what's expected from him.

He has to be downstairs, dressed and showered at 8 am sharp every day. On sunday, he gets to sleep until ten and start his training a little later, giving him a few hours to rest.

The only part he hasn't done yet is meet the other boys. And it terrifies him.

The gray haired boy is ripped from his thoughts as two others, about the same age as him, come down the stairs. They look really intimidating.

"How old are you?" The one with black hair asks.

Yoongi answers, biting his lip. "I'm sixteen."

The black haired boy punches the other on the shoulder as he begins to laugh. "HAHA I KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE OLDER THAN YOU." He yells.

The brown haired boy mumbles something under his breath as he rubs his shoulder. He walks over to Yoongi and sticks out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Namjoom." He says with a smile, one dimple popping out.

Yoongi smiles back, thinking how cute it is. "My name's Yoongi."

The third boy walks up as well and puts his hands on his hips. "I'm older than you, so you have to call me hyung." He says proudly.

Yoongi smirks and bows a whole 90 degrees. "For I am here to serve you, old one."

He gets a push in return. "Hey! I'm not an old man!"

Yoongi laughs and shakes his head, already feeling more comfortable with the two. "Sorry, sorry. The opportunity was just right there. Anyways, what is your name?"

"I'm Seokjin, but that's Seokjin-hyung to you."

Namjoon rolls his eyes and takes Yoongi's hand to drag him up the stairs, making a slight blush creep across his cheeks. "Please don't call him hyung. He doesn't deserve that title."

Yoongi chuckles as he's being pulled past a dozen doors and into one of the rooms.

Namjoon lets go of his hand and opens his arms. "Welcome, to paradise!"

The room Namjoon took him to is a huge area, furnaced only with three beds, with one nightstand next to each, and two closets.

Even though it's very minimalistic, for a boy that's been sleeping on hard concrete his whole life, any bed will seem like heaven.

Seokjin rushes past them and drops down on one of the beds. "This one is mine and that one is Namjoon's." He points to the bed next to him.

Yoongi looks at the remaining bed and sits down on it. "Guess this one is mine."

He lays down and immediatly moans, letting himself drown in the softness of the matras. He pulls the blanket over his body and lets the warmth take over him as he falls asleep in less than a second.

Yoongi slept for 72 hours.

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now