chapter 6

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"How'd you know I was in here?" (Name) asked the cat like hero infront of them, looking rather suspicious at him.

"Uh- ...This guy, Adrien, ran up to me telling me where you were." The catboy explained looking around the room a bit tensed up, (Name) didn't mind that and found this story believable enough, considering the blonde guy DID lock them in those bathroom stalls.

"Moving on, (Name), me and Ladybug need your help."
The hero continued, reaching out his hand for the confused looking student.

"My help? Why?" They asked, not wanting to be involved in whatever the fuck was going on.

(Name) wasn't new to Akuma attacks happening in school, but it still felt scary every time it did happen.

And now the Akuma victim is targeting them.

"Faceless obviously wants to see you, so it's most likely that faceless is an acquaintance of you."

"I don't know who that Faceless person could be though, they are LITERALLY faceless." (Name) commented, a bit saltier than they wanted to.

"Ladybug has a plan and her plans always work, we only need you to trust us and we need to able to trust you, (Name)."

The cat is being serious...

(Name) sighed, taking Chat Noir's hand in their own,

"I'll try my best not to die nor to let you die."

"Now that's what I like to hear."

And with that, the hero ran back to Ladybug, while the student was regretting every life choice they made.


I turn to see Chat Noir running up to me with (Name) behind him.

"Chat Noir! Great job! Now, take these."
I said and gave him ear plugs, those came out of my lucky charm so I figured that me and Chat Noir would need those to avoid Faceless and their questions.

"Ear plugs? Why?"

"Faceless can only rip your face off if you answer wrong. If we can't hear what they're asking they can't harm us!"

"Why do I need to be here then?" I turned to face (Name), a mix of exhaustion and confusion visible on their face.

"Faceless wants to see you...Or better said, they want to hear you say their name."

"I don't even know who Faceless is supposed to be though."
(Name) responds looking around, probably to see if Faceless is near.

"Faceless seems to be quite close to you, I'm sure you'll figure it out!" I reassured them, putting my hands on their shoulders.

They didn't look exactly convined though.

They sighed and nodded shortly after, "Alright, so you basically want me to talk to Faceless and distract them?"

I smiled at them, nodding.

(Name) has always been quick on reading situations.

And with that, we left to face the person with no face.


I'm going to sue her.

I'm going to sue both of them.

I was still hiding, not with Ladybug and Chat Noir though, they are on the other side waiting for me to do their job.

I can't die yet, I need to delete my notes app first.

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