emo special?!?!

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A/N: I'm too lazy to continue writing the other chap. anyway have some emos. (btw this doesn't take place in the present time lols)

It was a normal evening.

Actually, nothing in Paris is really normal.

So to be more specific, it was a normal evening for the citizens of Paris.

However tonight was a more peaceful night, no Akumas, no fighting, no screaming, and no damage to the city.

(Name) was sitting at home, waiting for Chat Noir.

"Princess, come and get your treats!" (Name) pspsps'd their kitten over to them.
When the kitten came purring over to them they sighed, petting her and feeding her.

"Why can't Chat Noir immediately show up once I mention the word treats like you do?", they asked their cat, to which the kitten only meowed back.

(Name) nodded, "Yeah, you're so right."
I have no idea about what but yeah you go girl.

What an abnormal and unbelievable evening for many others is, is (Name)'s nightly routine.
Being visited by Paris' number 1 Hero, Chat Noir, the holder of the miraculous of destruction.

At first they thought it was weird, at some point even creepy and unsettling. But soon enough they realized that Chat Noir wasn't only a vigilante in a cat costume but also a great friend.
So they let him stay.
Like some stray cat that keeps coming back.

They groaned again. "Maybe I should just study in the meantime. He'll come by eventually."

They stopped petting their cat and put the treats away.
Standing up straight, they walked towards their desk and connected their headphones with their phone.

Blasting out loud music from their favourite playlist, they started doing their math homework (unwillingly).

An Hour passed.

"tonight the music seems so loud.." they hummed to themselves, now working on their literature homework.

They seemed to be so much into their music that they didn't even notice someone coming in.

"Oh (Name)?~"

No answer.
The person growled annoyed.

They came closer to the studying student who was completely oblivious to their surroundings.

Slowly, the person covered (Name)'s eyes with their gloved hands.
It didn't take them long to recognize those gloves.

"Took you long enough, Chat-"

They looked at the person.
Their jaw dropped in utter shock, their brows slowly furrowing.

"What the fuck happened to you?" they asked, standing up and immediately turning off the music.

The person laughed and revealed himself to be Chat Noir, but not the Chat Noir (Name) was fond of.

"I should be asking you that! The (Name) in my world dresses better and styles their hair! You're quite.. the opposite of them."

(Name) looked him up and down judgingly.
"First of all. I know for a fact you're not dissing me in my PAJAMAS while you're out here with moss green hair that denies the concept of gravity."

A moment of silent passed before "Chat Noir" scoffed annoyed.

"Seriously Chat, what happened that you look like this?", they asked, awkwardly sitting back down on their seat. The guy laughed like a menace. "Oh you silly (Name)! .. You are (Name), right? I can't really tell to be honest because you dress like some hobo compared to my (Name).", he shortly remarked, spinning their chair to fully face him while he analyzed their face.
(Name) furrowed their eyebrows, growing slightly irritated at the fact that "Chat Noir" keeps making comments about their current attire.
"What even do you mean with your (Name)? Did the green hair dye affect your brain or why do you look and act like this?"

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