chapter 64

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After school (Name) approached Alya again, who had just kissed her boyfriend goodbye.

"Alya, I really- really need you to stay quiet about this. Please."
Alya turned to them surprised and smiled kindly, "(Name), don't worry. I know how dangerous these things can be. I'm just glad you trust me enough to let me stay alive after knowing I know. I won't tell a soul."

"..Not even Marinette?"

She shook her head, slightly taken aback, she hadn't even thought about Marinette when she first found out.
"No, not even Marinette. Your secret is safe with me. I'm pals with Ladybug and Chat Noir too after all."

(Name) sighed, glad she could understand and would keep her mouth shut, unlike her boyfriend who they would have to beat up later on.

Alya got onto her bus to get home and waved at (Name) one last time, by the time she was gone they ran up towards a specific boy who couldn't keep a single secret.


They jumped him.

"You fucking prick, what did I tell you?!"

Nino pleaded for his life when he was thrown to the ground, "(Name) come on you know I can't keep anything from Alya!"

"I helped you save your relationship at almost 12AM!"

"I know! And I'm thankful for that! But she's basically my diary!"

They groaned, "This is why I fucking hate couples."
They helped him back up shortly after they smashed him to the ground. "So anyway, you never told me what happened on your anniversary. How'd it go?"

Nino beamed and happily took their hand to pull himself up again. "Alya took me to a concert as a surprise! But that's not even the best part of it. Turns out I was the DJ for this concert! She talked to the band after seeing flyers about them needing a DJ since they wanted to remix for their next concert and apparently they loved my work! I'll be working with them in the future more often!"

(Name) smiled excited for their friend, Nino has been dreaming about becoming a DJ since 6th grade and his dream was starting to become true more and more as each day passed.
"Really? That's awesome! Do you get paid for it?"

He nodded excited and showed a video Alya took of him doing the work.

(Name) sighed and smacked his head proudly, "See? I told you she probably wanted to surprise you!"
Nino chuckled and rubbed his head lightly. He nodded along, "I know! You were right about it all along! I'm sorry for whining at your place, I'll really need to make it up to you."

They only scoffed at him and shook their head, "Normally I'd agree, but I'm just happy everything worked out for you two. So no need. However, if you do that again you'll have to bring a hundred bucks with you."

"Got it, boss."

(Name) smiled cockily and then sighed again, "Seriously though, don't tell anyone else. I can get into a lot of trouble because of shit like this."

Nino nodded understandingly and reached out his pinky, "I pinky promise."

They stared down at his pinky and laughed, taking his pinky with their own. "You're a child."

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