chapter 31

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"What are you gonna name her?", The cat boy asked the teenager who was drying the small kitten.

"I don't need a name for her, I don't plan on keeping her.", (Name) answered the hero, rubbing the towel gently on the cat who was purring.
Chat Noir frowned upon hearing that, but understood their opinion. "Once she's dry I'll let her out again. She probably feels more comfortable like that."


The kitten was clean and silently sleeping.
The hero was watching as their civilian friend was doing their physics homework.

Or rather, comforting the mess that was trying to figure out how numbers work.

"You know what fuck this."
(Name) threw their physics homework away and turned to face Chat Noir.
"What should we do?", they asked him.

"Cookies and milk?"

"Thank God you have the best ideas."

The two were eating cookies and drinking milk while playing Uno.

But (Name) noticed soon that Chat Noir's expression was turning into a frown.

"Do you suck that much at this game?", they asked and smirked, but stopped once he only gave a light hearted laugh back.

"Come on, tell me what's wrong.", they sighed, putting their cards on the floor.
Chat Noir looked at them with a worried look.
"I need you to be completely honest with me."
They nodded, What happened that he's like that?

"Do you think I'm useless as a hero?"


(Name) looked at him confused, not knowing if he's serious or not.

But seeing how he looks even worse when they didn't answer, they immediately stumbled with their words.

"What are you even talking about?", they furrowed their eyebrows and grabbed his face with both their hands, turning his face to various directions to search for something unusual on him.

"Seriously! Is something wrong with you?"
Chat Noir sighed, even though the things they were saying weren't necessarily comforting, their touch in his face however, oddly was.
"I just.. I don't feel like I'm of any use. Recently I've been fighting less and less again. This already happened once, I'm afraid it might happen again.", the insecure hero explained, avoiding eye contact at any cost.
(Name) was searching for the right words to say, but Chat Noir beat them to it.
"I just feel like I'm worthless, not really that important to Ladybug, or now Team.."

That made (Name) snap.
Feeling a sudden intense pain in his left cheek he wanted to yell what the fuck their problem was, but they started speaking first.

"I didn't know heroes were allowed to be stupid." They started their sentence, which made Chat Noir just more furious. Seriously, first they slap him and then insult him! Do they think like that aswell?

"You are the most important member of the team! It started with you and Ladybug and it's always gonna keep going with you and Ladybug until the very end!"
His sharp eyes softened, he listened intently.

"Without you, Paris would be doomed, Ladybug would be doomed! I would've died multiple times if you wouldn't have been there to save me!"

Now (Name) was averting their eyes, Chat Noir tried to look at them though.
They sighed and calmed down.
"And honestly, who cares. So what if you fight a little less than usual? Doesn't make you less of a hero."

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