chapter 19

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This is fine.
I'm not panicking at all!

I'm so gonna punch his fucking face until his assistant won't recognize him anymore.

(Name) was Panicking, a lot.

It's been only 3 Minutes since Adrien left them completely alone at the top of the Ferris wheel but it felt like hours had already passed.

Where the fuck are the heroes when you need them??


"Plagg! Claws-"

"Are you kidding me, Adrien?" The kwami interrupted, not letting his owner transform.

"You left them completely alone RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE VILLAIN??"

The kwami only facepalmed while the blonde teen infront of him was regretting every life choice he ever made. "Goddamnit, you really are blonde sometimes, Adrien."
"I know.. But let me transform quickly so I can get them somewhere more safe!"
The black Kwami sighed, "Let's do this shit."

"Plagg, Claws out!"


Okay.. Where is it..

"Chat Noir!" I turned to the voice to see Ladybug swinging towards my direction.

"Glad to see you, Ladybug!"

"The Akuma Victim is barely visible this could become a problem." Ladybug explained already looking around to see if there was someone.
"We already fought with someone who was invisible, this won't be a problem."
She nodded with a reassured smile then went back to focusing.

"Hello Children! Hello Children! Show your faces! I'll be a good daddy! I swear!"

What the fuck.

"It came from this way!"
"It came from that way!"

I turned to Ladybug.
She was pointing at a completely different direction.

"What? But.. I was sure it came from-"

"And you were right..!"

where did..

I turn my face off of ladybug, there wasn't a body though.. Just Purple-Blackish gas..

"Now..Be good children and give Daddy your jewelry!"


"Hello?" I shouted from the waggon.

"Chat Noir..? Ladybug..?"









Again, nothing.

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