boyfriend? pog!

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in the midst of the water fight, i was tripped over by a rock on the ground and fell into harry.
i fell on top of harry, my face going red and having a slight flashback to two years ago when we were in a very similar situation.

"i- uh- sorry." i stutter before quickly trying to get up - finding it more difficult that anticipated due to the sand covering the ground underneath us.

"it's alright," harry laughs. "you getting year 9 flashbacks too?" he laughs more which causes me to laugh as well...

harry helps me stand up, then stands up himself.
he leans toward my ear and whispers.

"i'd love to let that moment actually play out one time." he says in a deep, hoarse voice.

i feel my face heat as i breathe out unsteadily and i turn my face away from his and carry on with the water gun fight that the others were still having.


time skip to five hours later.
you and everyone else make your way back to tubbo's house and are sat in the living room, deciding on what to do next.


"we should play monopoly!" tubbo exclaims.

"toby, there's too many of us." i say with a small laugh.

"we can team?" he questions.

"how many of us are there?" wil asks.

i quickly look around the room and count everyone.
wil, george, jack, tubbo, jess, harry, me and lani - because we can't leave lani out, she is the best of us all.

"there's eight wil." i say after counting.

"ok then, me and george. umm- tubbo and lani, bee sibling duo..." he starts, making us all laugh at the latter comment. "jess and harry, then y/n and jack because then jess and harry are with people they both know properly."

"yay!" tubbo squeaks.

we all start playing the game and around 45 minutes in, tubbo and lani 'went bankrupt' and were out.
it took another 30 minutes until wil and george got out.
then it was me and jack against jess and harry.
the game lasted around another 50 minutes, with tubbo interrupting at odd points to say things along the lines of 'can you guys hurry uuppppp, i'm borreeedddd' in joking tones.
at the end of the game, me and jack won.
i cheered loudly and hugged jack in excitement.
i saw his cheeks flush a deep red before he turned his head away from everyone.

we cleared up the monopoly board and by then, it was around 11:30pm.

"where are we actually staying?" jess asks.

we all laugh a little before i respond.

"we probably should have thought about that part before we came here." i say in a sarcastic tone whilst stifling another giggle.

"i've got a spare room with two beds, so y/n and someone else can come to mine, it's not too far." says george.

"and my place has a spare room too, and a sofa bed." wil says.

"ok, well i'll go with y/n, so that either jess or harry aren't stuck with me." jack jokes.

we all agree to the plan, i give tubbo and lani a quick hug, then we leave.
we drop jess, wil and harry off at wil's place first, then jack drives me, him and george to george's place.

i spent the next two and a half hours on my phone, texting harry because neither of us could get to sleep and jess and jack had already fallen asleep.

harry :)
so, about today...

y/n ;)
what about it...?

harry :)
i was wondering if u
can i ask u a question?

y/n ;)
yeah, sure, what's up?

harry :)
i know it's a bit shitty to do this over a text but if i don't, i'll chicken out of it...
will u go out with me?
like, be my girlfriend?
i mean- that's if there's nothing going on between u and jack...

y/n ;)
there's nothing going on between me and jack lol, and also...
i'd love to!!

harry :)
oh thank god u said yes, i'll see u tomorrow  y/n <3

y/n ;)
see you tomorrow harry :)

uh oh. there's a bit of a problemmmm.
also, sorry for the kinda short chapter...
anyways, thank you all so much for reading and to burningfern27 for voting on all the chapters and filling my notification page, i was literally rushing to finish this chapter before you got to this one, to make sure you read this bit lol :)
thanks for reading <3


in the middle of juneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz