Chapter 8

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"Hi"- speak
'Thought"- thought
$Parseltongue$- Parseltongue
"Stupefy" - Spells

Over his final year with the founders and Merlin he mastered all of his abilities. Ever since, Merlin told him what happened, Harry was pushing himself training more and more. And his control over his abilities increased more and more. It was his final dueling class and he was dueling Godric, who was the best dueler. They had been dueling for nearly and hour and both were equally powerful. Godric released a torrent of spells. Harry deflected them with a lazy flick of his wand. He dodged and ducked under the spells and raised up a shield to deflect the spells sent by Godric. He didn't expect Godric to do the same. In a split second he summoned his sword and cut through the spells.

"Expulso, Confrigo, Depulso, Bombarda Maxima." Harry cast the spells. Godric put up a shield and ducked under the spells that broke through his shield. "Aguamenti" Godric cast. Harry froze them using his powers and turned them into shards of ice and returned it to Godric. He dodged under some, but some cut him. Godric become distracted and Harry quickly cast a Petrificus Totalus. Godric froze and Harry disarmed Godric. His wand flew straight into Harry's hands.

"Congrats Snakelet." Salazar said proudly. He was watching the duel protected by wards.

"Thanks, Sal" Harry beamed. Then he waved his hand and Godric unfroze and gave the wand back to Godric.

"You've become extremely powerful, Harry. It's not everyday you see me get beaten by a ten-year-old." Godric said, with pride in his voice.

"Thanks, Ric. I just worked on my strengths, just as you told me to." Harry said, with a smile on his face.

"Here let me heal you." Said Harry. Harry took Godric's hand and concentrated on his magic. He let his magic flow and concentrated on happy memories. Godric was healed instantly.

"Thanks, Harry! You've got better. But let's go to Helga to completely heal us." Godric said. Harry nodded and the three of them began fixing the room. Then they walked out.

"Harry, you still have to hand in your Potion's assignment by today." Sal said.

"Honestly, I finished it days ago, but you still gave me extra time." Harry said.

"It was master level, Snakelet." Sal said.

"Is he really that good at potions?" Ric said. Sal cast Harry a proud look and said "Yes, he is by far my best student."

"Here, I have the essay ready for you." Harry said. He snapped his finger and a parchment appeared out of thin air. He took it and handed it to Salazar who slipped it into his pocket.

"You will receive your results tomorrow." Sal stated.

"I read over ten times, so I'm not really worried." Harry said.

"Let's see." Sal said, amused.

They walked over to Helga's room and pushed open the door. They smiled at Helga, who smiled back.

"Ric just got defeated in a duel, by Harry." Sal said gleefully.

"Congrats, Harry!" Helga said warmly.

"Anyway, could you check if we are healed. Harry healed us, but just to be sure." Ric said while rolling his eyes.

Helga cast a spell over them and said that they were all fine.

Harry then said. "Better go guys, I have a class with Row. Bye!"

"The boy is a wonder, isn't he?" Helga said softly. The two male founders agreed with her.

He walked out of the room and went towards Rowena's room.

He knocked the door and hear a faint "Come in." He opened the door and saw Rowena reading a book. She looked and saw Harry and smiled. "Hello Harry, a bit late, aren't you?"

"Sorry Row, I just finished beating Ric in a duel." He snapped his fingers and his notes appeared.

"Congrats Harry. That's really good. I don't think Ric has ever lost a duel." Row said proudly. "You can tell Merlin, when he comes today."

"Is he coming for more training?" Harry asked.

"Yes, after dinner." Rowena confirmed. "Now, we have your Spell Craft to finish. You're only steps away from completion."

"I've been working on it during my free time." Harry said handing Row the notes. "The spell is intended to mask your presence completely and I have an incantation I finished on my own.

"Impressive." Row said. "Now we have to focus on the construction of your spell. We will complete the final touches in our next lesson." They wrote down the necessary points.

"Okay." Harry said.

"Now let's go for dinner." They both walked out and walked toward the great hall. "How are your other classes?" She asked.

"They are good. Just gave Sal my potions assignment and beat Ric in a duel and even the animals like me" Harry said while grinning.

"You've really made us all proud." Row said and Harry grinned.

They walked into the great Hall. There was only one table as all the children had gone home for the holidays. The other three founders and Merlin were there, talking.

"Ah, there they are, we were going to send an elf." Godric exclaimed.

"We were just distracted with building Harry's new spell." Rowena said and sat down.

"For so long?" Sal asked.

"It's a four layered spell. We were working on it in secret, because it was rather complex and we were not sure whether it would work." Row said while casting harry a proud look.

"Oh wonderful, Snakelet!" Sal exclaimed "Most impressive."

"Thanks. It's really complex and I'm glad it worked out." Harry said with a smile. They ate their dinner with light conversations. Then, Harry had his final lessons with Merlin.

Harry grinned at him and received one in return.

"You alright Harry?" asked Merlin and Harry laughed.

"Yep, almost done with my multi layered. It should be done any day now." Harry said.

"Congrats Harry. I'm not surprised though. You've mastered all your abilities. Your mastery in elementals is what surprised me the most. I didn't expect you to master it, but turns out I was wrong."

Harry grinned at him. "Its rare being an elemental, especially a multi elemental. I'm happy I made you proud.  

Words: 1025

Boredlife07 signing off. 

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