Chapter 58

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"Hi" Speech
'Hi' Thought

There was a surprise in the paper on the day of Harry's final exam, he shouldn't have been surprised really as he had been warned, but it had slipped his mind.

Whispers within the Wizengamot

In what was thought to be an ordinary Wizengamot session yesterday, something astounding occurred; a new lord was sworn in. This in itself was not what caused the commotion, no, what threw everyone up in arms were the seats the new Lord claimed, seats everyone thought to be gone. Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fay was sworn into the Wizengamot and the seats accepted him immediately flaring with life most thought was long gone. An Heir to the Founders back within our midst and there was a scramble to find out who was the New Lord, and many were seeking alliances with him. The power he holds within the Wizengamot is immense, voting with 45 seats, 20 for Slytherin and 25 for Le-Fay, he has the power to tip the voting any way he wishes.

Lord Slytherin-Le Fay was not available for comment on his surprise arrival, but a reporter did snatch a photo of him in deep conversation with Lord Sirius Black and Lord Lucius Malfoy discussing the new law petitioned within the session. Both houses of Black and Malfoy hold immense power themselves, each being a Noble and Most Ancient House, but with an alliance with the Houses of Slytherin and Le Fay, they would be untouchable.

There are rumors flying around that the Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, was less than pleased with the arrival of the new, handsome Lord and tried to discount Lord Slytherin-Le Fay's claim, however his attempts were unsuccessful as the seats speak for themselves and he was welcomed into the Wizengamot. For now, nothing is set in stone in stone, and whispers are running, but this reporter is sure that she will as soon as something is heard.

Rita Skeeter, special correspondent of the Daily Prophet.

The whispers also swept through the hall, and Heir to one of the Founders had been found and Harry smirked, he had no doubt this was exactly what Marvolo wanted. The factor of the unknown and a legal screw you to Dumbledore, Harry glanced at the headmaster and snickered when he saw the man glaring at the paper.

"I wonder who the new Lord is." Theo murmured in awe and Harry smirked.

"I am sure you will find him very influential." Harry said. "Come one Draco, I want to ask father about this new Lord."

The blond smirked and they left, Sirius had obviously been expecting them because he had drinks out and was sitting in wait.

"We were discussing a werewolf law, there is no way that is going through seeing that he was pissed as someone even suggested it." Sirius told them before they even asked a question.


"The Wizengamot is set to become interesting with him here, especially with half of the proposals that get said." Sirius grinned.

"Oh, and why's that?"

"Umbridge didn't even finish her disgusting proposal before he stood up and practically laughed at her words. It was actually amazing to see what he could do with simple words, words that most wouldn't turn a hair at ordinarily."

"Brilliant." Harry grinned. "He definitely had an opening then?"

"Oh yes, people will be talking."

"I still think it's mad that the Dark Lord is in the Wizengamot." Draco shook his head.

"Yes, and no doubt weirder things are set to happen." Harry pointed out.

"Got that one right, Pup."

Harry sat down to dinner, sighing in relief, he had finished his final exam and now they just had to wait for the results which he had no doubt he would get perfect marks.

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