Chapter 19

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"Hi" Speak
'hi' Thought
"Stupefy"  Spells

Harry was awake and dressed and on his second book, before the other children even woke up. Harry had his bag packed with all the books. He was definitely going to be bored in class, but he had to deal with it.

He cast tempus and looked at the time. It was nearing the time where the prefects would lead them to the Great Hall. Harry went back to his room to tell Alpha not to get caught. He made sure the boys were awake as the Slytherins entered the Great Hall united as one.

"How in Merlin's name are you up already." Draco exclaimed.

"I woke up 2 hours ago and was reading." He said with a shrug. "I'm used to getting early, so it's not really a shock. Ow if you want to eat you better hurry up." Harry stoked Alpha on the head. They together went to the common room talking with each other, waiting for the prefects to lead them to the Great Hall. Crabbe and Goyle were the last to arrive, just in time too as the prefects came down and nodded at them.

"We will lead you to the Great Hall only today. You have to remember the route. However, if you have a problem, you can ask either us or Professors Snape, Black and Lupin-Black." Said the Male prefect.

The prefects led them to the Great Hall. Harry helped himself to some breakfast, waiting for the timetable to arrive. He talked with Draco about the classes and the ones they were looking forward to. Professor Snape handed the timetable to them and they read it. Harry was a bit sad that his, favorite class, potions was not until Friday.

"Shall we go to charms then?" Theo asked and the other three nodded. They had a map at the back of their timetables and Harry noted that it was the long way. They went out the Great Hall.

"Follow me." Harry said. "Ignore the map" Harry took the short way to go to the classroom.

"But we have got to go to class, it's not time to explore Hades." Draco said.

"Yea and if we're late Professor Snape's going to be really mad." Blaise added.

"Don't worry we're not exploring. Trust me." Harry said.

Harry reached a blank wall and as the heir of Hogwarts he could appear anywhere. He tapped on it and it should a set of stairs. They climbed it and reached the charms corridor.

"Ta-da!" Harry said.

"How did you know that?" They all exclaimed.

"I'm just awesome." He smirked.

They went inside the class and waited for the others to arrive. They put on blank expressions. Turns on the Ravenclaws did it in pairs or individually. Then came Professor Flitwick. Harry noted that he was half Goblin. He stood up on a pile of books and introduced himself. He then began to lecture on the wand movement and its 11 types. Harry was extremely bored as he had learnt it when he was 4. He then realized that he would have to use his wand and sighed.

The class was only lecture. They didn't do anything else. They then had transfiguration. The Slytherin's looked at him and he was more than happy to lead them to the Transfiguration classroom. They reached there and waited for the Gryffindors. When they arrived, they were extremely rude and the Slytherins looked in disgust at them. The Slytherins had perfect posture and a blank expression, while the Gryffindors were loud and disturbing.

Harry found out that Professor Mcgonagall was an Animagus. She had a cat Animagus. Professor Mcgonagall was strict, yet excellent at transfiguration. She waved here wand and the table turned to a pig. It looked like she didn't even concentrate at all. Harry thought that Rowena might be impressed at her teaching style. They had to change a matchstick into a needle. Harry nearly laughed. This was child's play for him. He waved his wand and the matchstick instantly changed into a silver needle. Professor Mcgonagall gave him 15 points for that much to the Gryffindors anger and Slytherin's delight. Rosina was very angry and was not surprised when she stopped him while he was going for lunch.

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