Chapter 53

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' Thought

The four first years were buzzing for two reasons when they got to the Slytherin table next morning. They had double checked their plan and it was nearly flawless, and they were going to get to work after they had seen the article about the duel. Everyone was still talking about the duel and how it reflected upon James Potter, much to Harry's amusement. Potter came in for breakfast and sat down next to Lily, who looked as if she wanted to sit anywhere other than next to her husband; Harry quirked his eyebrow. He watched as Rosina walked in with Granger and Weasley and they huddled together at the end of the Gryffindor table whispering to themselves. Rosina looked over and glared at him in an accusing manner before going back to her conversation.

"She's somehow blaming you for her father's defeat." Draco muttered.

"Looks that way." Harry agreed with a scoff.


"Yes, but they will learn eventually."

"Hopefully not in the near future." Draco said. "It will bring endless amounts of amusement when they make fools of themselves."

"Point." Harry conceded.

"Owls should be here now." Blaise said looking up, Harry mimicked him and grinned when the post swooped in. His issue of the Daily Prophet landed in front of him and he paid the owl before taking the paper.

"Well here goes nothing." He laid it out and smirked; Rita had done it again.

Stunning Defeat!

Honor Duel Results,

Black Victorious,

Last week, as you all know, Lord Sirius Orion Black challenged Lord James Charlus Potter to an honor duel for insults upon himself and his son. The duel took place on Friday, in Hogwarts, and was open to public viewing gathering a tense crowd. It was a simple duel, one on one with the basic rule of no dark magic and it was clear that both the Lords wanted to win. With a stunning display of magic, the duel began and the pace was furious, it was quick and soon Lord Black took the upper hand. A quick swipe of his wand and Lord Potter was thrown backwards and he slammed against the wall, where he became unconscious making Lord Black the winner.

Lord Black was generous enough to allow me to interview him afterwards, where he explained the reason behind the duel, and I have to say, I was disgusted with what I discovered. While in an argument over the truth about what happened during the Quidditch match, Lord Potter stated that Heir Lupin-Black, Lord Black's son and by default Lord Potter's birth son, should have his magic bound and hidden from the wizarding world! That's right ladies and gentlemen, he wanted to lock away his own child's magic, and utter disgrace. There celebrating with his father and dad, was Hadrian Black himself and when I spoke to him, he was so polite even if he was a little shy and was gracious enough to answer my questions. I asked him about the startling revelation about his past and if he remembered his birth parents, he looked so upset before he answered.

"I have an eidetic memory. I remember that it was Dumbledore and James who convinced Lily to send me away to her muggle hating sister." He told me and I'll admit, my heart went out for him. An eidetic memory, for those who do not know that word it means having a photographic memory." Having remember that must be awful and the poor boy even said he grey to understand that eh was "second best." How could anyone do that to their own child is beyond me. I then asked him how his adjustment back to the wizarding world was, to which he replied:

"My birth parents collected me and the first thing I heard was how my twin was great and famous and how they had to give me up to train her."

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