Chapter 63

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"Wonderful." Harry sighed and then blinked, turning to look back at Salazar with a highly put out look. "Which reminds me Salazar. I did notice how you failed to inform me that your last living descendant just happens to be the current Dark Lord and one who the stupid prophecy revolved around."

Salazar didn't even bother to try and keep himself reserved, burst out laughing and slapped his knee at Harry's expression.

"Ah, Snakelet, you can only imagine the hilarity that information brought me." He said, wiping his eyes.

"Oh, I imagined all right." He grumbled and turned back to Marvolo with a huff.

"So, what did you do in the past?"

"I spent 10 years with the Founders learning everything they could possibly teach me. I studied and learnt everything to be the best I could possible be and on my 11th birthday they made me their heirs, all of them, including Merlin, which is why I became the Heir of Slytherin." Harry told him and let his ring change to each different crest. "It's why I'm still heir, despite the other lines dying out; the very line creators chose me themselves."

Marvolo's eyebrows rose.

"When you join the Wizengamot, we will have absolute control."

Harry smirked.

"I know, but as they are Founders Seats and the Seat of Emrys, I have to sit in them, underhand clauses to stop people like Dumbledore claiming proxy as Headmaster."

"Something I wouldn't put pass the old fool. I am thanking that clause because, I suspect, without it he would have claimed my own seat."

"Yes, it is brilliant, really, but as I am unable to sit in my seats currently, the Wizengamot is still at a point of sway, and Dumbledore and Potter will do anything to have things their way. Obviously, it is astoundingly more difficult now as you have made a startling reappearance. I still hate you for that by the way, but all it takes is a few whispered words from the great Headmaster and some of the neutrals will be swayed to him."

"True, but we shall still be able to stop decrees we do not like."

"Ah, the new werewolf legislation Umbridge tried to pass." Harry grumbled and Marvolo sneered at the mere thought.

"That woman needs to be removed. How she got her position I will never know and that legislation was possibly one of the stupidest things I have ever heard."

"It was another restriction, wasn't it?"

"Yes, she wanted all werewolves to be branded so they were known and could be detected as they were a danger to the society." Marvolo rolled his eyes and Harry scowled.

"Stupid woman, but her feelings are not individual. Many in the society are just plain thick." Harry sighed. "Simply because one turns into a ball of fur once a month, it does not make them a danger to the society. It is beyond their control. No one would raise a question if it was controllable like an Animagus..." Harry trailed off with a thoughtful look, he snapped his fingers and his journal appeared in front of him making Marvolo blink.

"What spell is that?"

"An edited summoning charm." Harry answered as he quickly flicked through his journal "I created it because I got sick of waiting for my things to come to me through the air." He added sensing the questioning look he was being sent.

"How far is the distance?" Marvolo asked curiously, Harry looked up at that.

"You know, I'm not exactly sure." He said slowly. "This came from Black Manor so it has a pretty good distance."

"Impressive and very ingenious."

"Thanks." Harry said with a grin, "It is one of my best, I have to admit."

"You have created more?"

"I've only got two other spells at the moment. I've got two potions with counters and two without counters." Harry told him.

"Ah yes, you're potions. You have applied for your Mastery, no?"

"Yes, the confirmation came through the other day. It's on the 5th of August." Harry confirmed and Marvolo shook his head.

"Even though I know why; you still raise an amazing number of questions." He sighed and Harry smirked.

"It is what I'm best at." Harry said solemnly before snickering.

"Why did you summon your journal?"

"Ah, well I had another one of my brainwaves, but I will have to do a hell lot experiments before I can even begin to form the actual formula and it could work, but I don't know yet. I'll be studying certain things and hopefully I can get the right one, it would help so much." Harry was back to studying his book and, in his portrait, Salazar rolled his eyes."

"Snakelet, you just made absolutely no sense, to someone who has yet to experience your odd tangents." The Founder told him amused. Harry blinked and smiled sheepishly.

"My bad, I tend to go off on a thought."

"Apparently." Marvolo drawled, "I presume you are speaking about a potion and as you assumed the book while we were speaking of werewolves, I'm going to take an educational guess to say it is something that will aid them."

Harry beamed.

"You'll understand me in no time." Harry said brightly. "Yes, I know of the wolfsbane potion obviously, but I was wondering if the curse could be controlled even more. I'll have to break down a number of elements, and of course I will have to consult Uncle Sev too, but it's worth a try." Harry explained.

"It is a very ambitious thought." Marvolo pointed out.

"You have 3 months, until I want to see a decent formula, Snakelet." Salazar told him and Marvolo's eyebrows shot up as Harry turned to look at the Founder as if he had suddenly stepped out of the portrait.

"Excuse me?" He got out eventually.

"You heard me." Salazar drawled. "If you can create a shield potion than can block the darkest arts, I know you can produce a decent formula to your werewolf problem. You have full access to old and new ingredients, you have this library, and if you go to the dungeons, you will find your own personal lab that has all of our workings, that I saved especially for you. Even my experiments for your Mastery theory. The password is your snake's name."

Harry's face lit up and he furrowed his brow.

"I will have to work out what I actually want to do first, then I will have to contact Severus because he is responsible for the wolfsbane potion meaning I will have to ask about those components, of course I could break it down myself, but I do have manners." He mused out loud and summoned his quill and quickly scribbled everything down.

"The political blow it would cause to those rallying around the prejudice ones if you manage this will be unprecedented. Many, even when I tried to seize control in the beginning, hate and are disgusted at the thought of creatures, werewolves, vampires and many others. They came over to my side because I offered them something other than hate of the main society. I am surprised that the public hasn't realized that isolation and picking out the supposed 'Dark Creatures' is a bad move, but if anything, the prejudice and conforms are even steeper than the first war." Marvolo said. 

Words: 1230. 
Hi guys, I know I haven't uploaded for a long time, but here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. 
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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