XI. Commander

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a/n: new chapter time besties

In one swift movement, you dug the sharp edge of your sword into the skin of Lord Reiss's neck. He stumbled backwards in surprise, and Historia flinched.

"Justice will be served today," you hissed, "but you will not like the way I choose to do so."

"Lady L/N!" he protested, trying to back away. You followed him until he was pressed against the wall, droplets of his blood beginning to stain the silver metal of your blade an ugly red.

"I find it funny that you speak of justice, Lord Reiss," you said. "Where was your justice when your noblemen ruined the lives of innocent people? Where was your justice when your advisors enslaved children and used them as they pleased? Where was your justice when Wall Maria fell and twenty percent of humanity was destroyed?"

"Historia! Please, you're my daughter! Help me!" he cried. Historia looked nervous at this, and you shook your head.

"She's not going to help you. She's too smart for that," you said.

"Y/N said you're using me!" Historia said, but her voice was shrill with panic. Lord Reiss's eyes widened.

"You're allowing yourself to be swayed by her? She's just jealous that you will obtain the power of the Founding Titan! She wants it all to herself, and she will do anything to get it. I have been nothing but kind and fair to her, and yet she is here, trying to kill me!" he said.

"Stop confusing her," you ordered him, "You're a filthy liar."

"He killed your sister!" Lord Reiss screamed. Historia froze.

"...Frieda?" she whispered before her eyes brightened. "I wasn't alone as a child! My sister came to visit me! She loved me, she took care of me! But why didn't I remember her? How could I have forgotten her?"

"I expect she used the Founding Titan to erase your memories," he said.

"You said she's dead? How?" Historia said.

"The Founding Titan is passed on by the successor eating the current holder," he said before explaining to Eren and Historia all that he had told you.

"So Eren's father ate my sister?" she said.

"That's right," Lord Reiss said. You pushed your sword deeper into his neck, and he let out a shout of pain.

"Shut up, pig. The son should not suffer for the sins of the father; what's more, don't you think there was a reason that Dr. Jaeger did what he did? Perhaps it's for the best that the royal family doesn't have the Founding Titan anymore," you said.

"How could you say that?" Historia said, blue eyes bright with tears. "He killed my sister!"

"Yeah, he did. And your sister's inability to use the Founding Titan killed thousands of people when Wall Maria fell," you said indifferently.

"You're a coldhearted bitch," Historia snarled, grabbing you by the shirt and tossing you away from Lord Reiss. Eren made muffled sounds of protest as you crashed to the ground in front of him. You immediately stood, drawing your other blade and positioning yourself in front of him as Historia and Lord Reiss made their way to the ground.

"Step aside, Lady L/N, unless you wish to be eaten along with your friend!" Lord Reiss threatened you.

You could not find the words to respond to the ridiculous statement, and so you began to laugh. You laughed and you laughed, swaying slightly, your cheeks turning pink and hair coming loose from its ponytail, hiding your face and shimmering eyes.

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