XVII. Visitors

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a/n: this is the chapter that has manga spoilers!!!! they are not too major but if you want to remain completely unspoiled beware 🚨🚨🚨

"Go to Marley? Hisu, please tell me you've suddenly decided to become a prankster or something!" you said. She whacked you on the head with a rolled up newspaper.

"Why would I joke about this? The Survey Corps is going to do what they do best, scout out an unknown location. You have a history of working with them, obviously, so I'm sending you as my representative. Well, that's the official reason, anyways. Really, I just think you need a vacation," she said.

"Ah, yes, the country full of people that want to kill me and everyone I love. Sounds like a great vacation idea!" you said.

"I'm glad you agree!" Historia said brightly, ignoring your obvious sarcasm. You gave her an irritated glare, and she sighed. "Look, Eren told me to make sure you go, so I kind of have to. Don't make me turn it into a royal order."

"Why would Eren want me to go?" you said. She shrugged.

"Who knows why Eren does half of the things he does? He probably just wants to spend time with you. He doesn't have the luxury of a long lifespan like we do," she reminded you, as if you would ever forget.

"I guess you're right. Fine, I'll go," you said. She clapped delightedly.

"Yay! You're going to have so much fun. Let's go pack your clothes right now!" she said, grabbing you by the hand and dragging you to your room.

"Don't you have better things to do than help me pick out my outfits, Queen Historia?" you said. She waved you off dismissively.

"Not at all! I can't have you representing Paradis poorly!" she said.

"It's not like anyone is going to know we're from Paradis," you said, allowing her to rummage through your closet, knowing full well you weren't going to wear a single thing she tossed in your suitcase. Your fitted white shirt, navy skirt, and tan cardigan had never failed you yet, and you would stick with them faithfully

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, I am ordering you to have fun while you're over there, you hear me? Have. Fun. I expect to hear about everything you guys get up to!" she said, shoving your bag in your hands. You saluted with a nod.

The next day, you reached Paradis Port well after everyone else had gathered there. Levi took your bag from you, his cold fingers clutching yours briefly. You gave him a confused look at the strange gesture, but he had already turned away, putting your things with the rest of their stuff.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Tullia said, punching you in the arm. You did not bother with trying to dodge, instead just patting her on the head. She looked affronted at the condescending gesture, but Hange pounced on you before she could retaliate.

"We're so glad you could make it! We haven't been on such an important mission in so long, it's great to have the old crew together," she said. The old crew — the ones that had fought Annie and Reiner and Bertholdt and survived Shiganshina and gone to the sea together. It seemed like only yesterday the 104th had graduated from the Cadet Corps, yet so much had happened since then.

"I've really missed all of you. It seems like we never get to see each other," you said.

"Yeah, because you're so busy with your Commander duties," Jean reminded you, hugging you tightly. You hugged him back, overcome with a wave of affection for your tall best friend.

"You know I wish I could spend more time with you guys," you said, letting him go and facing all of your friends, narrowing your eyes at the conspicuous absence of Eren and Mikasa.

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