XIII. Revenge

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a/n: guys tuscany is so pretty 😩 also here's a new chapter sorry for being late we were in the car all day 😔✊🏼

"Go, Scouts! Get our land back!"

"It's the Wings of Death!"

"Commander L/N! Give those titans hell!"

The civilians of Trost had gathered to send you all off, though apparently, they weren't even supposed to know you were departing. Still, it felt nice to be acknowledged for all you had given up and all you were going to give up. Though morale was high, you, Erwin, and Levi had privately shared your doubts with each other. This wasn't going to be an easy mission, and not just because of the many mindless titans you'd need to face.

The Beast Titan was still an unknown entity. You had no clue what its powers were, what it could do, if it was even a titan shifter, or if it was something else entirely. From Eren's account, Reiner and Bertholdt had been scared of it when the name was mentioned, so clearly, it was a potent enemy.

Furthermore, it would not be working alone. Your old foes Reiner and Bertholdt would, presumably, be as active as ever, and though the development of thunder spears would hopefully be enough to handle Reiner, everyone was still at a loss as to what to do about Bertholdt. Your best bet was to take him out while he was still human, but whether or not you would get the chance was still up in the air. If he managed to shift into the Colossal Titan, though, it was all over for the Scouts, as he was practically unbeatable in that form, with absolutely no apparent weaknesses.

Despite knowing all of this, everyone's excitement was infectious, and as Jean, Connie, and Sasha began cheering, riling all of the citizens up even more than they already were, you only smiled.

A little girl on the street looked up at you in awe, and you waved at her. She waved back. You hoped that she would grow up in a world without titans, a world where there was no fighting and no violence. A world where she could be happy and live by the sea with the person she loved.

You had been provided with a lovely white horse to distinguish you as a Commander, much like Erwin's. Hopping on the sweet mare, who gave you a kind look with her large, dark eyes, you patted her neck before steering her over to where Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Tullia, and Jean were.

"Shouldn't you be at the front?" Armin said, noticing you first.

"Yeah, Commander, what are you doing back here?" Jean said.

"I'm not the Commander of the Survey Corps, so no, there's no rule that states I need to be at the front. I'd much rather be with you guys, anyways," you said.

"We peasants are truly blessed to be in the presence of the great Commander L/N," Tullia said.

"Oh, that's enough from all of you. You know I didn't ask to be promoted. I still have no clue what was going through Historia's mind when she did it. I was going to transfer to the Scouts, actually, if she hadn't," you said.

"Really? We could've been comrades and equals under Captain Levi?" Jean said, eyes wide.

"That's right, but instead, I'm a Commander, and you just have to deal with it. Sorry," you said with a shrug, kicking your horse forward as Erwin called for the Scouts to advance. The sound of pounding hoofbeats was soon all you could hear, and you allowed yourself to fade into it, the dull thuds taking away your worries about the upcoming mission.

As night fell, everyone dismounted their horses, leading them through the forest near Shiganshina and putting their hoods up, though it would not do you, Mikasa, and Tullia much good. The rest of the soldiers were wearing their green cloaks in an attempt to hide Eren amongst the masses, but the three of you were in black as always — a silent but obvious message to Reiner, Bertholdt, and whoever their allies were.

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