Chapter Twenty One

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Paris is known to be the city of love and light or the most romantic place on earth. I never saw or really understood why people would dream of coming here yes it is very nice and very Instagram worthy but from what I've seen all my life and coming here almost every year I don't see much.

Everyone met up at the Four Seasons George V, Paris, it's one of the most luxurious hotels here and we been staying here for the past few years meaning they know Nico and I pretty well. I made Nico make the reservations meaning he has to check us in but him talking to the manager didn't seem to be going to well so I decided to see what had happened to get Nico all worried.

"Nicholas" I say clearing my throat "yes, Ade?" He says suspiciously.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him making him look in between the manager and I. "Good afternoon I'm Adelina Arrison my brother here made a reservation for the night is there a problem?" I ask the middle aged man standing in the front desk looking like a lost puppy.

"Yes, it appears to we have  misunderstanding if I'm correct you wanted 5 rooms with two beds each correct?" He looks at Nico who nods, once Nico stops looking like he's scared he stands up straight and looks more professional. He reminds me of dad when he does that.

"Well it seems like we're over booked and do have 5 rooms but one bed each" the blonde croaked out in his French accent causing Nico to say some words under his breath.

"We'll still take it" Liam says behind me one hand around grinning grace and the other reaching for the keys the front desk man put for us to grab.

"How are we gonna chose?" Dylan asks with Max right behind him.

"Okay we'll grace and I get a room so we each get the two room keys with the same number I'm going to throw the rest and whoever gets the same number keys will have to room together, got it?" He challenged to which everyone nodded too just to shut the ginger up.

Everyone grabbed a key closes to them once they all fell to the ground we probably looked stupid just standing there in one of the best hotels here just throwing keys to the Ceiling and picking them up.

"I got with Dylan" Max yells

"Nico and I got it" Alex grumbles while Nico gave her a known eye roll. All this meaning I got with none other than Mathias knight. How predictable. Just what I need tonight.

"Good night guys" we all yell as we get into our prisons everyone except for Liam and grace probably Dylan and Max too since they're best friends while I'm in my misery sharing a bed with my worst enemy. I wouldn't know about Alex and Nico but it doesn't seem they're gonna have the time of their life tonight either they aren't the friendliest people to each other.

"Get naked" Teo ordered causing me to give him a lost and confused face until he breaks into a fit of laughter.

"Very funny" I mocked rolling my eyes "I know if I wasn't a billionaire right now I would go be a comedian" he smirks.

"You're not  funny enough for that" I retort causing him to give a faked hurt look.

"This is why I don't fuck with Americans" he scoffs flopping onto the bed. 

"You're half American though!" I exclaim back causing both of us to bust into a fit of laughter, what I said wasn't even that funny  but I guess we just found it so funny that we were both on the bed laughing so hard we could nearly maintain our normal breathing.

"I need a smoke" Teo says when we settle down I was confused on how you could go from laughing so hard you're on the floor to acting all cold and mysterious.

"I thought you stoped?" I asked sitting cris cross on the bed facing where he was on the balcony with the view of the Eiffel Tower.

"It's a habit I can't just stop" he responded causing me to go silent I didn't know what to do or say this conversation could go two ways one meaning going deep into personal stuff and him later finding out more about me or they're is no second way actually. Fuck.

Ask him and stop being quiet he's gonna think you're weirded out.

He won't think that he will probably just think you're not interested in what he has to say.

I do care though

You should care but from a distance you can't go back in again

It's not like anything is gonna happen

Adelina you have read many books and seen many movies you know that in everything it eventually leads to having a deeper relationship or leading to sex.

The second one seems reasonable

You don't want sex right now.

Why not he's hot.

"I thought you used to smoke, didn't you?" He asks out of a sudden I blur out my fight with my mind to think clearly again.

"You said it, used to" I sigh looking out the window next to the bed. Just everything right now seemed so right they're is no words to actually describe what I'm feeling it's not something I feel often. But the only way to describe it without sounding weird is that right here right now feels like coming home after a long day. Even though this of course is not home and this city is very different from where I'm from but something about it just feels so good that makes me want to stay here forever.

"Why did you stop?" He asks taking me out of my trance from the window and turn my sight back to him. "Why didn't you?" I ask back causing a small grin to apear onto his pretty little face.

"I asked first"

"They're is no winning with me Teo" I grin. "Well Lin I need it, without it I would probably not even be alive right now" he says looking out the balcony puffing out another hit from it. I wanted to ask what did he mean by that. Was everything okay with him? But I don't have the right to do I had to do what I had to and try and ignore the last part.

"You're turn" he laughs slightly looking at me with those brown chocolate eyes that now were turning a shade of pink and red. The only thing on my mind was what did he mean about being dead it was killing me but I just couldn't invade his privacy.

But if he brought it up it means he wants to talk about it right?

"I just thought that it wasn't doing me any good anymore" I shrug, it wasn't really a lie but it just wasn't the full truth. I'm on a role with lying to him today aren't I.

"You're lying" he says taking out one last puff before throwing it on the ground and lighting it off.  "Am not" I defend back it wasn't really lying it just wasn't the full truth.

"You are, just like at the restaurant I saw you throw out the pasta" he says taking me by surprise. "How did- huh" I stammered, I felt bad what if he thinks something? What if he hated me more now? I can't take more blueberry muffins.

When we were young and we would mess up or not keep a promise we would have to eat what we were allergic to or hated it all started when I didn't know I was allergic to blueberries and ate a muffin because Mathias wanted one but ended up hating it. Which is why it's called the blueberry muffin pact.

"I saw you but I also saw you came back for it with a mad expression on you're face which was funny" he laughs making me hit him on the arm.

"Oh" is all I can get out I was almost certain that nobody was around. "Did you at least eat?" He asks and not in his normal alpha voice but instead more lower and tired.

"Yeah I did you might think I'm lying but I'm not" I say getting off of bed and straight to my small back pack.

"What are you doing" he asks laughing

"looking for my proof" I pull out the white shirt I was wearing and that also had a small stain of sauce from the pasta. He looked surprised but also kind of glad? Almost relieved?

I almost felt guilty for that expression on his face he seemed so glad that I 'wasn't lying' when in reality it's all a big fat lie I knew he was going to question and I needed to save myself so I did what any other psycho would do I put a piece of pasta on the T-shirt and pretended. I couldn't look bad tomorrow morning or any day I could eat another day theirs enough food. I'm okay.

A Two Year DesireМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя