Chapter Fourty

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Graduation day is today and I'm shitting my pants well technically dress. They're bearly  starting right now and I don't even know why I'm nervous if I basically already graduated I just am now picking up my diploma in front of people.

Nico's and Mathias graduation was yesterday night since they're school goes faster on events than us but it worked out great because now they're in the stands watching the rest of us graduate, the only sad part is that beyond else's parents are here except mine of course. Even graces parents are here and they're doing stuff full time like they're both surgeons, they make tule for they're daughter but I guess I'm gm doing fine with Nico being the one here.

He makes up for them. Mom called congratulating me but hung up before I could even respond with a thank you.

I'm supposed to do a speech as valedictorian for the year but I never really had a speech planned today they came up to me asking me if I can do a fast and heart warm type of speech.

I'm not someone who can just do something from the top of my head but they're is no going back after saying I would be delighted to do it, no not 'happy to do it' but delighted.

After the principal started talking I zoned out completely and listened to everything expect him "Anyways I don't want to bore you before this even starts and now we will present this years class graduates" He presents us as thats our cue to stand up for a while until he makes us sit down again.

After another speech of the teachers is done he finally starts calling out names be I've never been more happy that my name is in the first few.

"Carlie Allison, Will Abraham.." and so on it felt like she's before my name was called and I heard tons of cheering from the stands no doubt being them.

"Congrats sweetheart" I nod shaking each their hands before I get to the one with my diploma, Once it's in my hand I want to scream out to my mom an just yell form the top of my lungs that I fucking did it. And alone too.

After all the names have been called and we have all gotten our stuff he finally called me up so I can make my whole speech that I might not even mean.

"Good Afternoon graduate class we finally finished like we all wished, before we waited until this day we tapped our pencils looking up at the clock just waiting for the day to be over but now it is but not just the day but everything and as much as we might hate even thinking about it we will miss these days" they clap and whistle before I finished making me laugh "Hope you all have a wonderful life thank you and good bye" I walked off stage followed by some cheers and the students standing up in their red robes throwing their shit up to the sky.

I run over to my friends as we all get one big group hug followed by some tears. After my hugs with my friends and Nico Mathias came up to us with a bouquet of my favorite flowers, blue heart lilies they are very hard to find around here especially right now.

"I haven't gotten these in so long Thank you" I hug him tightly not caring if anyone saw at this point. Back when we were kids these flowers use to grow all around my and Mathias mothers garden back when we were neighbors. Each day Mathias would bring me a new flower from the garden and it was always a different flower until I found my favorite since I don't have one at the time.

I saved each flower since that day in one of those squishing flowers books since I read it kept them good and so far it's been a journey trying to keep them out of harms way.

"I love them" I awe giving him a peck on the nose "Guys this might be the best time to tell you that I'm not going into Harvard I chose Boston instead" Liam announces

"Really! That's so great what made you change you're mind?" He shrugs "I don't think Harvard is the best for me honestly"

"I choose Penn state" Grace yells shyly "Yale!" Dylan follows "Yale!" Max runs off, we're all shocked by the changes of hearts but we also understand that unfortunately not everyone belongs with Harvard and at this point in staring to think so too.

"Well we're all going different ways then?"

"Guess so"

"At least we're going to college" Max laughs putting his arm around the guys necks.

"Lake?" Dylan asks looking around with a smirk on his face no doubt hitting to go to the lake "Fuck it"

- - -

"I know we're not supposed to talk about this and we made a whole ass pact but what do you think I is going on with the whole Alex situation it's been a while" Max asks taking a bite of his hot dog Mathias made on the grill.

"Is she actually like.. dead?" Grace questions

"We don't know anything, I don't think even her parents know either they're hasn't been a funeral or a whole search party"

"Nothing" Dylan adds

"Guys I hate to say this but she's gone leave it"

"See that's the thing I don't understand how is she gone how did she just disappear with her "boyfriend" no one knew about not even us" Max argues he made a good point everything that was going on with Alex seems too suspicious.

"Do you guys really think she's dead like no joke" we all stay silent "Of course she's not dead we even know this but all of this is too sketchy to actually find out we're just teenagers" I tell him "Technically just you and Nico were all 18" Dylan jokes as Nico and I send the middle finger to his comment.

"Plus the police are doing it let them" Mathias adds

"So we just do nothing"

"Basically" He shrugs

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