Chapter Twenty Eight

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After Liam left last night I decided to call my mom and see if she has heard anything from her son she loves so dearly. Note to the sarcasm. The line rings for a few minutes before someone picks it up.

"Carolina Arrison speaking" she presents herself formerly I'm taking she either didn't care see the call ID or she doesn't have my phone number registered even though I'm her daughter.

"Hey mom"

"Adelina what do you need in very busy tonight" she speaks.

"I'm only calling you for a fast thing don't worry" when she doesn't say anything I continue "have you heard form Nico lately"

"Yes, he called last night telling me that he is taking the opportunity at Cambridge and wants to study the rest of the school year even though their is only three months left of school but he insisted, oh and he's going with a friend I think it's the knights kid" she proceeded to talk but I zone out thinking how he had the audacity to just pack his things and leave. Leave me out of all people the person who stuck by him after sleepless nights or the person who carried him through 5 flights of stairs to his room because I didn't want him sleeping in the couch. The person who helped him with his drug addiction after getting kicked out of each sport, fuck I even stoped smoking and drinking for him. I quit the only thing that kept me sane for him.

"How is he going to live there though how did you allow this?" I ask her angrily thankfully she didn't notice my tone or I would've gotten an earful of respecting her. When that respect is long gone especially towards her. "I thought Cambridge was going to be better for him I offered him this opportunity months ago but he denied it because he said he didn't want to leave you and yesterday he called he would go if I let them stay at the beach house over there" she explains leaving me in raged. He didn't go at first because of me and how he didn't want to leave me and now he left the one thing we were both afraid of him doing he did it.

"In another note if you're calling me because you wanna join to or something- "

"No" I interrupt "No I was just asking because I didn't know where he was or his stuff but glad you cleared that up thanks" I lied.

"No worries sweetheart anyways I heard about that girl that went missing stay home oh and don't eat too much you know" I roll my eyes and ignore her "yeah I know mom I'll talk to you tomorrow goodnight"

"Don't call tomorrow I have meetings all night got it"

"Yeah got it I won't night mom" I sigh but don't get one back instead I hear the line go dead.

Now I'm here in my kitchen with storm in hand as we cook up his food thinking of what I did wrong for Nico not to call me. That's when I hear my phone ring which makes me put storm down and let him run for a while.

"Lin" he says once I answer

"Mathias?" I ask "wow I'm hurt you don't have my phone registered" he teases.

"No I do Im just cooking something and didn't look at it" I tell him putting the grilled chicken and cooked eggs with storms dog food in his plate which he comes running to once he smells it.

"You're cooking" he says surprised.

"Yeah I thought storm needed a change since all he eats is dog food" I ramble.

"Oh yeah good have you eaten though" he asks in the background you can hear voices which makes me feel very un easy.

"Yeah I has Liam Obed and we ordered food" I say which is true and I even ate it all!

"Liam was over? Why?" He asks

"We just wanted to chill so I made him come over" I let out the part where I chased him all around school until I tackled him down by the hairs and then sat on him but that's not important.

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