Chapter Sixty

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The ceremony was beautiful and I absolutely adored Alex's wedding dress. It was perfect for her, this night was totally her's and if someone finally deserved a happy ending it was definitely her. My duties as Maid of honor were finally done once the happy couple left for their honeymoon as I picked up some trash before everyone was slowly leaving a tall shadow helped me pick up a glass I had accidently dropped minutes ago.

"Rough day?" He spoke and I laughed, looking up at him. Not many people can pull off a tight beard but he definitely can. It wasn't long or gross like some I've seen but his hazel eyes matched great with his dark caramel like skin. "Sort of"

The hot strange man grabbed the garbage bag off my hand "A lady should never do her own work" His cheaky smile was cute but the sexims wasn't "Im grateful for your help but Im fully capable of doing it myself" I took the trash bag back leaving him with a confused look on his face.

"Never said you weren't I just love helping" He winks, taking the bag again.

"I would really appreciate if I could have the bag back"

I try and reach for the bag but he takes it as a handshake instead "Levi " I fakely smile "Unistrested" His pearly white smile comes into view as his dimples make an appearance, If this man wasn't so attractive this wouldn't be hard.

"I thought we were just introducing ourselves. What's your name?" He leans on the bar with his cheeky smile coming into play again.

"Is this how you get your girls?" He doesn't even flinch or question why his charm isn't working he just leans in more giving me his full attention. My breath hitches a tiny bit leaving it hard not to jump on him.

"Most times they are in my bed by the time I walk up to them" He takes a sip of his scotch while his eyes never leave my face. A slight shocker goes through me, my dress is a black low cut which makes my boobs pop out a lot yet he hasn't taken a look maybe he has and I haven't noticed.

"You're cocky" I grin "More than that" He leans in and for a slight second I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Do I stand here and let him kiss me?

Why am I thinking about how his lips feel?


Before I can even react he reaches over me and grabs the bag as he drowns down his drink "We got trash to pick up" He motions over back to the party, I have no doubt he did that on purpose.

Smooth Levi smooth

"Adelina" his voice sends chill shivers not the good kind "Mathias?" I ask looking back at Levi who is showing me a pearl he found in the sand. "Sorry about this, I'll be right back"

'hopefully' I whisper to myself as I walk through the sand to the side where the asshole is. I'm tired from all the walking.

note to self for the future if I have a wedding never choose a place that has sand and isn't even a beach.

"Can I help you?" I ask I knew he was at the party I just didn't expect him to actually speak to me especially when he had his girlfriend with him.

"Who is that?" He asks in a tone I'm unfamiliar with. "We go without talking the whole day that I almost forgot you attended and now you're demanding me to tell you who I'm talking to?" He doesn't take the hint and grabs my arm moving me to the side. His grasp is hard and tight, I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.

"Let me go" I manage to escape his hold he doesn't try anything else after I take a few steps away from him "What the fuck is wrong with you" He yells as if I did something wrong.

"Im not the one pulling others by the hand and demanding them stuff" I yell back this feels like our old fights back in highschool. "You're out slumming it with that unknown guy you just met. How was I supposed to react?" I laugh in disbelief "You're no one to tell me shit" I spat walking away but he reaches for my arm pulling me back almost falling but someone catches me before I can.

"What the hell asshole" Levi yells, putting me behind him, as they yell back and forth the redhead from the other day at the coffee shop shows up yelling at Mathias to stop. In a blink of an eye Mathias punches Levi right in the mouth he didn't stumble though instead a fight broke out most of the time Levi was on top other times it was Mathias.

I couldn't yell for them to stop like the ginger girl was instead I walked away, I found the situation hilarious but I was still furious at both of their actions who was Mathias to tell me who I can and can't talk to? Or even worse who was Levi to jump into a fight with him he could've walked away after the first punch and be the bigger person. But boys will be boys.

Shaking my head I walked through a small park near by when I heard footsteps running through as a woman I thought I should run away and not even try and stay here to see who it could be, and so I did, hell if I was to stay I would  be as much as a dumbass as Levi and Mathias were earlier.

"Wait" I heard a male voice but I didn't look back "Wedding girl I never knew your name" I stopped and thought how stupid I could be I haven't ran since I was in high school gym "Hold on let me catch my breath I did like a mile right now" He laughs

"That was like 20 meters maybe less" I look up at him as I sit on the closest bench "Im a runner sometimes" He shrugs "Didn't ask"

"Still mad I see I thought we were on good terms I helped out with the garbage and stuff" I scoffed. "You got into a fight for me! How stupid we don't know each other"

"You think that was for you?" I make a 'duh face which he smiles at "I saw my mother be abused by her boyfriends when I was young I never supported a guy putting one hand on a girl unless it's in bed but in the kinky way you know like a spank or-" I try not to gag

"I get it shut up" he moves his legs side by side as we fall into silence I roll my eyes before walking away "Hey" He jogs to catch up to my long strides "You should be a model with that walk"

"Im a dancer"

"pop?" I stop and look at him before walking away again "Guess not"

"Ballet" His eyebrows rise up in surprise once we get closer by my penthouse the lighting is better and I finally notice his face. A few cuts roam around his face but nothing too big, a few bruises on cheeks. I can't help but look at his pink lips and notice the big bleeding covering his top lip.

"Oh shit" He looks startled at first until I reach for his lip he catches on. "Oh it's nothing" He laughs.

"Come in, I'll clean you up"

"As much as I would love to experience that and believe me I had fantasies I don't go into strangers homes" He smirks, cocky bastard.

"Adelina Arrison, good enough?- he stays quiet- consider it as an act of gratitude me thanking you for your kind gesture of getting into a fight for me"

"I guess getting murdered in a penthouse with a ballet dancer in lingerie won't be so bad to end" I roll my eyes

"I won't be wearing lingerie" He laughs

A Two Year DesireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora