Chapter Fifty Five

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The first thing I notice in the club is the people, they all look so free and sweaty especially the people on the dance floor. Girls are either dancing, rejecting guys or making out with each other.

Im holding Ashters hand as we all lead each other trying to pass the people and the looks to the bar. Jacky orders everyone's drinks as she slowly inspects the bartenders every move. She graduated in criminal justice if you couldn't tell. Jacky is basically the mom of the group but that doesn't stop her from having her own fun at times.

"Shit! This drink is better than what Tony makes!" Ashley yells drowning down her drink. "Lets dance!" She pulls Ashter whos at my side. Ashley might be the straightest person that I know but when it comes to alcohol she loves making out with anyone.

"There goes two" Taylor laughs as we go upstairs to a booth I told them to reserve for us. Being rich has its perks. My friends don't come from money like my home town do they don't think money as the big thing which means when they're in need they don't like asking for help, and as much as I want to help them they could never but I don't push them either. They helped me understand that only because you don't have money at the moment does not mean you won't have it in the future. I spoil them at times but it's never too much I don't like overwhelming them.

"What is this place called the drinks are amazing" Elli tries yells through the loud blasting music but we are still able to hear her. The bring red seats have a stamp mark at the top of each cushion I look up to it.





"Knights drinks" Elli who is half drunk already laughs " What stupid person doesn't know how to spell night" Jacky looks at the worried look on my face.

"No. I don't think so were like on the whole other side of the country from your hometown it can't be" She reassured me. She's right even if it was he couldn't be here in New York? Could he?

"Oh that guy again?" They ask, all of them knowing about him but only clips of the story.  Jacky and Taylor are the only ones that fully know our story.

I nod. "Isn't he rich too?" Ashley asks me I drown my drink down wanting to feel the burning sensation in my throat again. It's been months since I got blackout drunk I need to do it again.

Jacky slaps Ashley's arm and she takes the hint to be quiet. Ashley loves thinking out loud especially when she's drunk she can never stay quiet but is one of the most loyal people I know. She murmurs an "sorry" before going back to drinking and dancing.

I shake off any sort of feelings that returned as I take drink after drink I even take a joint that was being passed around.

I knew that the feelings were gone I had nothing left from him he left my system the second I moved on to Tony. Why am I more heartbroken over someone I didn't even date than a guy who I almost moved in with.

Tony was a good guy a great guy even he didn't cheat he didn't make excuses he didn't abandon me on our first date. We didn't fight all the time he wasn't out with girls all the time and pretended that they were no one and end up sleeping with them.

But tony didn't make me feel butterflies he didn't make me excited to see another day. Yes the first few months were awesome but it was a routine.

I have to remind myself he was someone from when I was a kid I'm not seventeen anymore for god sakes I'm turning 22 in three months.

I danced I smoked I did anything I could do I didn't have to feel anymore for him or for Tony. I wish I didn't go for guys they make my life so hard.

The next morning my head pounded it was like hurricane catrina had happened I couldn't get up my feet were wobbly and my hair I didn't even have to look in the mirror to know it was a mess I felt my bed turn and the first thing I think of is was I a whore last night.

Fuck please don't tell me I slept with someone.

I checked under the covers to see my state.

I was naked.

Maybe I just wanted to sleep naked today and storm was in the bed. But no storm was with his daily trainer like every Sunday.

What have a I done. I finally shifted my eyes to look at the specimen in my white covers. His back was godly. I took a long look at his arms veins and tattooed were all I saw.

At least I have taste even when I'm drunk. His caramel body shifted again until half of his face was visible. He had three moles on the back of his ear. His cheeks were rosy, he had prints on his face because of his chain that was now on his collar bones.

"If you're gonna look at me for that long at least take a picture for your scrapbook" he speaks.

Fuck part of me hoped he was mute so we didn't have to end up having that awkward talk. He roamed his arm to his arm to his hair before I saw his full face.

"Holy shit!" I hit him countless of times with my silly pillow that probably felt nicer than it did hurt.

"Not another crazy bimbo" he gasps for air. I stand up searching for my under wear and bras this was embarrassing.

"Wait a second" he stumbles up I can't let him look at me. "I know that birthmark anywhere" he laughs but then seems to realize "Holy fucking shit" he laughs again.

"You're not funny" I turn and felt like I was seventeen again.

"Well, well darling" I scoff. Classic "Who would've thought I sure didn't"

"I sure hoped we didn't either" this time he scoffs putting his boxers on, I just realized he had his junk out this whole time.

"You sure got better than before" he winks

"Leave please" he pouts "Oh but we just had a great no. Amazing reunión why does it need to be a short one" He has more jokes than before.

"So I see you haven't changed, still sleeping around" I say in a petty manner. "Actually you were the first person I've slept with since my last relationship" I'm shocked.

Me too.

"Lying ass" he shakes his head as he puts his black shirt back on. "What are you doing here" he looks confused.

"We just slept together remember a bunch of times I think I need to go to the gym again, you sure know how to fuck" I take that as a compliment even though I shouldn't.

"You're we're okay" I roll my eyes even though he was more than okay maybe even more than good he's always been.

He smirks knowing in lying "I meant here in new york" he comes close by me his scent radiating off of him he makes it seem as if he's going for my wait but he reaches over and grabs his phone. "Business" he whispers in my ear.

"I would love to stay but it's getting late" I follow him though my living room as he gets an apple and a muffin from my kitchen counter like if he lived here. I open the door for him he grins as he kisses my cheek rushing out.

"Let's get coffee some time" he calls from the hallways as he takes a bite from his apple I laugh before shutting the door in his face.

"I'll take that as a yes" I hear muffled through the door, I can't help but laugh until I see the clock and check that I'm almost late for my rehearsal.

Fucking Mathias.

A Two Year DesireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon