12 | proud

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Cam's POV.
As we were laying in my bed, I could tell Briana wanted to say something. She would look at me and then when I looked at her, she would look away.


"Hm?" She was looking down, biting her lip, and that's how I knew something was bothering her.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna be graduating a year early..."

I sat up and looked at her because I didn't know what to say.


"So, we won't be together next year?" I asked.

"Well, no, but —"

"What's gonna happen to our relationship?"

"Cam, it's —"

"When were you planning on telling me?" I asked, getting frustrated.

"Babe, that's why I'm telling you now," she said, her voice coming out kinda shaky.

I got up from the bed and went downstairs to the backyard. I'm not mad at her; it's just the thought of us not being together senior year bothers me.


Briana's POV.
Well that went horrible. I gotta say, that's not exactly the reaction I was expecting to get.

I dried my eyes and went down to the kitchen to get some water. I was hoping no one would be in there, but I wasn't so lucky.

"Hey Briana," Caylin smiled.

"Hi," I said, putting on my best fake smile.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Jackie asked, "have you been crying?"


"What happened?" she asked.

"Well, I'm gonna be graduating this year instead of next year," I started.

"That's great!"

"I thought so too, but I told Cam and I think he got mad. I thought he would be proud of me, but I guess I was wrong."

She walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulders. "I'm sure he is. He's probably just upset that you won't be at school next year."

"I hope so," I said quietly, "I'm gonna go lie down, if that's okay. My head's starting to hurt."

She nodded, and I went up to the guest room so I could lie down.


Cam's POV.
"Cameron Jerrell Newton!"

My mom came to the back door and she sounded pissed.

"Yes, ma'am?" I said, going inside. I looked over at Caylin, and he was shaking his head at me. What the hell did I do?

"What did you say to that poor girl to make her cry?" my mom asked.

"She was crying?"

"Yes, now what did you say?"

I sighed and sat at the table next to Caylin. "I didn't say anything. She told me she was graduating early and I just walked out of the room."

"Why would you do that?! She was expecting you to be proud of her."

"I am proud of her, Ma; I guess I was just mad about not seeing her everyday."

"Then that's what you should've said," she said, smacking me upside the head. "You need to go talk to her."

As much as I hate to admit it, my mom was right. I need to apologize for acting like an asshole. I hate being the reason she's upset.

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs. She might be sleeping because she has a headache."

I nodded and headed upstairs to check on Briana. I looked in my room, but she wasn't there. I looked in the guest room, and she was lying on the bed.

"Bri? Are you asleep?" I asked, walking into the room.

I saw that she was actually awake, but she was just ignoring me, which is understandable. I sat next to her and tried to turn her so she was facing me, but she only resisted.

"Baby, I know you're mad at me, and I understand that, but can you at least look at me so we can talk?"

She eventually turned over and looked up at me. "What do we need to talk about, Cameron?"

"I wanna apologize for the way I acted earlier," I said, lying with her. "I shouldn't have walked out on you like that."

She took a deep breath and let it out as I moved some hair out of her face.

"Why did you get so mad at me?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows a little and tracing tiny circles on my chest. "I thought you'd be happy for me."

She pouted a little, and I chuckled silently at how cute she was.

"I am happy for you. Actually, I'm proud of you. It's just gonna be weird without you on campus next year. I'm gonna miss you."

She smiled slightly and looked up in my eyes before kissing my lips softly.

"That's all you had to say, Cam. You made me think you were mad."

"I could never be mad at you, baby girl."

I pressed my lips against hers, then pulled her into me to deepen the kiss. I kissed along her jawline then down her neck as my hand crept up her shirt.

"Baby wait," she moaned.

"What's up?" I asked, kissing her down her stomach.

"Your mom and brother are downstairs. We can't do this."

I sighed in defeat then came up and kissed her lips. "Fine, but next time we're alone in this house —"

"Yes sir," she giggled, cutting me off.

I laughed along with her, and we just lied there together wrapped up in each other's arms.

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