5 | avery's intuition

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7:45 p.m.

Briana's POV.
After getting out of the shower, I thought about what I should wear to the party. I couldn't find something right away, so I put on sweatpants & a t-shirt for now.

"Are y'all going to Desmond's party?" I asked Avery & our other roommate, McKenna.

"Yeah," McKenna answered, "are you?"


"Cool. Are we going together?" Avery asked.

"Actually," I started slowly, "I'm going with Cam."

They both jumped off their beds and maneuvered their way toward me.

"You're going with Cam?!?!" McKenna asked loudly, "when did this happen?"

"When I was leaving his room yesterday."

"What were you doing in his room?!?!" she asked with a scandalous smirk.

"They've been 'studying,'" Avery chimed in.

"Y'all, chill. It's not like that," I said.

"Then why did you come back to the room with a huge smile on your face yesterday?" Avery asked.

"We just found out that we passed our prob & stat test," I lied.

"Briana, I have known you since we were in diapers, honey, so I know you're lying," Avery said, "what really happened between y'all?"

Both of my nosey roommates leaned closer to me, waiting for me to confess what I did yesterday.

"He kissed me," I said, biting the corner of my lip.

"What?!?!" they yelled simultaneously.

"He kissed me."

"Did you kiss him back?!" McKenna questioned.


"And you didn't tell us?!" Avery shouted, "are y'all dating now?"

"No. It just kinda...happened."

"What do you mean it just happened? We want details," McKenna demanded.

"Well, we were checking our grades for the test and when he said he got an 'A,' I hugged him, but then he pulled me on his lap and kissed me."

They smiled at me devilishly, and I stood up to start my search for an outfit again.

"Don't smile at me like that. I'm sure he was just happy about his grade."

They looked at each other and smirked before turning their attention back to me.

"When did y'all pull away?" McKenna asked.

"Well, we didn't until Michael walked in," I said sheepishly.

"Yeah, he wasn't just happy about that grade," Avery said, "I bet you two will either hook up, or you'll be a couple before the night is over. Mark my words."

"Think about it!" McKenna blurted, "the head cheerleader and the quarterback. Y'all would be Auburn's 'it' couple."

I just laughed at the two of them as I went to the bathroom, "whatever."

It was now 8:10, and I don't have time to listen to these two and their ridiculous theories.


8:30 p.m.

There was a knock on the door, making McKenna & Avery shriek & squeal. They insisted on staying here until Cam came, which is why they're still here.

I opened the door and on the other side was Cam, looking handsome.

Why does he make me feel this way?

"Hi," he greeted me, "you look nice."

"Thanks," I smiled, "you don't look so bad yourself."

He gave off a boyish smile, showing off his dimples and making my stomach flutter.

"You ready to go?" he asked.


I stepped out of the room, closed the door and we left the dorm to go to the party.


We've been at this party for about two hours, and I was having fun. Cam & I decided to go our separate ways for a while, so I decided to go find Morgan, McKenna or Avery.

McKenna was the first person I saw and since she was by herself, I decided to hang out with her for a minute.

"How's it going with Cam?" she asked, "I saw you two dancing earlier."

"I'm having fun with him. We just decided to do our own thing for a while."

"Speaking of Cam, here he comes," she said, turning to walk away.

I turned around, and sure enough, Cam was walking toward me.

"Hey. Are you having fun?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I was starting to miss you," he said, making my heart pound. "But now I'm starting to get bored. You wanna get outta here?"


He put his arm around me and we made our way outside.

We walked to his dorm room and as soon as he closed the door, he walked up to me and pressed his lips against mine. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and draped my arms around his neck.

He pulled away from the kiss and I rested my head against the wall before looking him in his eyes.

"Be my girlfriend, Briana."

I was so thrown off by those words that I gulped pretty hard before answering him.

"We barely know each other," I said, a little above a whisper.

"We can get to know each other. I know it's only been a week, but you make me feel things I've never felt before."

I smiled a little because I didn't know I could have that kind of effect on someone.


He smiled and put his forehead against mine before gently pressing his lips to mine for a second time.

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