13 | oh baby

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February 24, 2011

Briana's POV.
So recently, our football team won the BCS Championship against Oregon. I was so proud of the boys, but I was even more proud Cam. This was his first year here, and he did so well.

When we got back on campus, he & I "celebrated," but...that was a month ago.

"Oh no," I thought out loud.

"What?" Avery asked.

I was so spaced out, I forgot she was in the room.

"I forgot I was supposed to meet Michael at the library to study," I lied.

I got my stuff together to make it look like I was going to the library, then left the room. I took a bus to a nearby drug store and while I was looking at the pregnancy tests, I got a text from Cam.

From: Cameron <3
where are u?

I picked up a box before texting him back and walking to the register.

To: Cameron <3
drug store.

I paid for the pregnancy tests, left the store and caught another bus back to campus.

From: Cameron <3
come see me when u get back?


To: Cameron <3

I walked back to my dorm room, praying Avery nor McKenna were there. Luckily they weren't, so I went to the bathroom to take the test.


After fifteen minutes, I checked the result and had a mental breakdown. I think I cried on the bathroom floor for about three minutes before drying my eyes and leaving the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone and keys, then slowly made my way over to Cam's dorm. When I got to his room, I hesitantly knocked on the door and he answered almost immediately.

"Hey baby," he said, pulling me in for a kiss.


He sat at the desk, and I quietly sat next to him. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was looking at me, trying to figure out what was bothering me.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

I crossed my arms on the desk, buried my head in my arms and groaned. "I don't know how to tell you."

"Bri, just say it."

I lifted my head with tears running down my face and a lump in my throat.


I cut him off by pulling the pregnancy test out of my jacket pocket. He sat there, staring at the thing without saying a word. Of course, that only made me feel worse.

"I'll get an abortion..."

I didn't want an abortion; I just said what I thought he wanted to hear.

He slowly looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"I'll get an abortion."

He turned his body to face me completely, lifted my chin and looked into my eyes before kissing me.

"Wait...you're not mad?" I asked, confused more than anything.

"Why would I be mad?"

"...Because we're young and still in school and /

He kissed me to shut me up, and I just forgot what I was rambling about. He pulled away from my lips, kissed my nose, then put his forehead against mine.

"I know we're young and I know we're still school, but we'll get through this because I love you."

I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead, making my cheeks get hot.

"We have to tell my parents and your grandparents," he said, running his hand through my hair.

"I'm scared. Your parents are gonna hate me, and my grandparents are gonna be so disappointed."

He smiled at me, and then a little laugh escaped his lips. Why is he so okay with this? I thought this kinda thing freaked guys out?!

"First, let's find out if you're actually pregnant before we worry about them, okay?"

A small smile tugged at my lips, and I sat in his lap, laying my head on his shoulder.


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