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Commotion echoed through the castle walls, bouncing their way into the kitchen where Katerina worked as always. The past two weeks she hadn't seen sunlight, only working in the orange glow of the massive fire that was constantly burning.

Her hands were toughening up to the harsh work that they weren't used to, and she didn't have as many blisters as when she was first brought to the castle.

She tried to listen to what others were saying, even sneaking to the door that barred her from the dining hall where the royal family ate their supper. However, she could never hear them clear enough and was left with more questions than answers.

However, on this day, all those questions would soon be no more.

The chef burst through the door, his massive frame blocking the single patch of light that she had been using for her work. She looked up, slightly annoyed but not daring to speak her mind. Not when she was a princess and certainly not now as a beast.

"We 'ave much to prepare fer!" He shouted happily, practically dancing across the stone floor, "Da prince is havin' a ball and we 'er to make all da dishes!" Beaming from ear to ear he set to work, pulling pots and pans from their shelves and racks.


"Tomorrow night!" He hustled around, before stopping and looking at her, his grin vanishing, "And what're yah doin' standin' around 'ere! Get to work!" He shouted and waved her off into the corridor, clearly no longer welcome among the kitchen staff of one.

She stayed close to the wall as to not get in anyone's way, for the first time noticing the decorations that had been hung. Floral wreaths around every window frame, candles replaced and lit to brighten the room. Rugs taken outside and beaten to rid them of the small amount of dust they may have collected. The ballroom was the most disorderly and Katerina watched in complete awe from the balcony, where she could make an easy escape.

She noticed the prince supervising the preparations, and watched him for a while. His concentration made her giggle, his brow creased so heavily with his hair falling into his eyes. He looked so normal and not the regal monster he had been to her. If anything he looked like one of the workers if he hadn't been garbed in the finest of fabrics.

He must have felt her eyes on him, because he looked up at her, making her gasp and hide behind the pillar that stood beside her. He couldn't help but chuckle at the fear she held for him. Did she truly think he would harm her?

He wouldn't do anything to cause her great pain, but a bit of torment was always fun.

Katerina's heart felt as though it would burst from how fast it was beating. She couldn't hear anything but the blood rushing in her ears and it was difficult to swallow with the knot in her throat.

She peeked around the pillar and over the edge of the balcony railing to see if he was still looking at her but the prince was no longer standing among the workers. She sighed in relief and decided to try and make herself useful to the other groups of servants since the chef didn't want her.

Not that they would allow her to help, lest it was work they didn't want.

She was a beast after all and didn't belong among them.

"I thought the mutt never left the kitchen." A cold voice rang through her ears as she was stopped dead in her tracks, the prince standing before her, "So what are you doing here?"

She stepped back and shook her head nervously. She hadn't meant any harm, after all, only wanting to watch. To feel a sense of normal.

"You are silent as if you have not spoken to me before. As if I am not aware you are more than competent enough to answer my questions." He snapped, following her steps, "Answer me. What are you doing up here?"

The True Tale of ThousandfursOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant