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Katerina opened her eyes and looked forward, still debating where it was she could escape to. She could keep running and get lost in the forest and try to make a new life for herself, perhaps stumble across a village that would help her and take her in. She had run away before, with little plan in mind, but that was leaving behind a life sentence of pain and sin. What was she running from here?

Prince Alexander scared her. She was fearful of him not only discovering her secret and sending her back to her father but also that he would try to use her in some way.

She knew the devilish look in his eyes when he examined her body. The look that made her squirm under her bodice. She knew the lust-filled gazes he had tossed her when she was forced to undress before him in his room.

"I love a good hunt, my dear, but you make it far too easy." hot breath whisked over the shell of her ear and she jumped, turning to face the voice. Alexander leaned against the side of the tree, a grin plastered on his face, "Shall we try again?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What if I win?" She challenged, backing away, stumbling over a tree root.

"I can assure you, my little mutt, you will not." His eyes darkened and reached out a hand, "No more games. You will not win and you have proven you can not be trusted out on your own."

She stared at his hand, free of any blemishes, unlike her own, which was scared and burned. She hesitated but had no choice but to take his hand and allow him to lead her back to the stream. The stallion they had left behind was drinking happily, digging at the ground with his hoof. His dark coat gleamed in the rays of sunlight that broke through the tops of the trees.

Alexander was quiet as he guided her to a rock, pushing her down to sit on its flat surface. She held fast, the movement making her unsteady, but once she was certain she was safe and stable, she released his arm with a dark red blush.

"Why did you bring me out here?" she managed to muster up the courage to ask, peering up at him. He towered over her, reaching up to grab a branch for the oak they sat under.

"Because I wanted to." Was his simple response, as he snapped the small branch off of the tree limb, "I wanted to talk to you."

"Are... are you going to punish me?" She asked, her gut twisting and turning, needing to know, but too afraid of the answer.

He stripped away the twigs on the edge of this branch, small strips of the bark peeling up with it, "I was not planning to at first, but now after your blatant disobedience, I am not so sure anymore." He paused, staring at her out of the corner of his eye.

"You frightened me, your highness." She admitted, tugging the cloak further around her small frame blocking out the immense chill.

"How so?" He mused, "afraid I might steal your virtue..." she half expected him to laugh but instead he went silent, his words falling off at the end of his sentence. As though they had floated across the sea and drifted over the edge of the earth.

The gloves he had given her made it difficult for Thousandfurs to keep a solid grip on her cloak and eventually she gave up. The prince stopped her as she was removing the riding gloves, his brow creased in confusion.

"What are you doing? You are cold, are you not? Keep them." He insisted still, kneeling before her, and buttoning the clasp at the bottom, adjusting it to fit her wrist.

"Thank you, y-your majesty."

Alexander lowered himself to the leaf-coated floor, crossing his legs at the ankles, his knees slightly angled up in the air, "How is it you came to be in my woods?"

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