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Alexander paced back and forth in front of the training grounds his head spinning with thoughts. Each new idea that sprung forward was pulled in multiple directions the positives and negatives fighting each other for him to make a decision.

It had been only three nights since Katerina's capture and he was nearly fully recovered from the few scrapes he received in the fight with her father.

He wanted her back. There was no doubt about that but the question was how could he get her back? Enough time had passed that King Paul could have already taken her as his wife. This thought made his blood boil and he slashed the sword in his hand through the air in anger.


Even if he had, Alexander would not stand for it. He would kill the king and take back what belonged to him.

First, he awaited the return of the spy he had sent to follow the Lenningston guard. When he returned- which should be soon if he had not been discovered- Alexander could begin to form his plan of attack.

King Theodore's health quickly deteriorated after the wedding, leaving him bedridden and the world's responsibilities falling on the young prince's shoulders. He struggled to sleep, staying awake in the war room by candlelight, discussing invasion tactics with his generals. None of them thought an attack on Lenningston was wise, as Claridon was much smaller and thus weaker by comparison but they too felt a sense of determination to retrieve their queen from the arms of the devil.

Even a man without the fear of God in his heart could see the evil that was King Paul and the devastation of his choices. Katerina was doing as she was expected and could not be held accountable for the acts of others. She had tried to escape and if only he knew her identity sooner he would have kept her safe and hidden away, marrying her before any of this horror occurred.

The sound of horse hooves pounding up the path behind him stopped his violent spar against a wooden block at the center of the training grounds.

"Your highness!" The spy was dressed as a page and appeared to have successfully infiltrated the Lenningston keep, "I bring news."

"Spit it out!" Alexander roared, sheathing his sword at his side.

"Her Majesty, Princess Katerina was sent to the dungeons to wait as King Paul prepares for the wedding. The entire kingdom is preparing for the festivities-"


"In three days' time." The spy cringed, knowing that was very little time to plan a successful attack on such a guarded city.

But Alexander felt different. He felt confident that they still had time to save his beloved before she fell into the hands of the beast.


Titles, names, and relations did not matter when someone crosses a king. Punishments are long, harsh, and most likely end in a slow and miserable death.

Unfortunately for Katerina, she would be released from the filth-covered dungeons in another day or so, only to live out a long and miserable life as the bride to her father.

She was not positive how long she had been locked inside though it felt like ages. She had received four meals so far, but she felt so starved the distance between all servings had to be more than a day. She was used to not eating much back in the Claridon palace when she was in the kitchen, but this felt like torture.

She groaned loudly, extremely un-lady like, and pressed the back of her head into the wall behind her. She stank of sweat and dirt and longed to get clean. Even as a maid she received more frequent baths than this! However, she kept reminding herself how grateful she was to be down here and not up there with him.

Though she was lost on the date or time she knew the wedding had to be coming up quickly and her anxiety only shot up more each meal that arrived. One day there would be no meal, only a guard to escort her to her doom. They might as well place her in a tomb and wait for her to rot because the alternative would not be any less gruesome.

The sound of a metal latch being lifted caught her attention and without moving from the corner of her cell she glanced over to watch the shifting light as someone walked through the corridor. Though her body was numb and motionless her heart never stopped stuttering every time that door opened, until she knew who it was.

The large shadow stopped before her cell and peered inside the orange torch behind him making him difficult to make out.

"Get up, princess." The booming voice of a familiar guard called into the cell, and she scrambled to her feet.

Usually, when they delivered food they did not care where she was as long as she stayed away from the door to prevent her from escaping, which she had not even bothered attempting since she was much too weak to face any of the guards head-on.

"I have information from the King."

Katerina's mood dampened further but continued to listen, sneaking a step closer to the cell doors.

The guard watched her with a severe gaze and his eyes flitted down to his hand where he held a key, "The King has asked me to inform you," as he spoke he twisted the key in the lock, opening the latch that bared her inside the cell, "That your union shall take place tomorrow evening. Someone will be sent to fetch you before then and prepare you."

He removed the key slowly and silently, leaving the door now unlocked but also unstable, meaning it could easily be spotted by a well-trained guard.

"Thank you." Katerina replied in a small voice, venturing closer, "and what is your name, sir?"

"Arturo head of My Lord's ground patrol, my lady" he gave a quick bow, looking side to side, making sure no one was around. He slid his hand between the bars, and opened his palm, revealing a blade handle, the sharp edge slithered up his coat sleeve.

Quickly, Katerina took it in her grasp and slipped it under her skirt to keep it hidden.

"His highness has ensured there is constant watch around the castle, so there will be no chance of escaping the grounds." He warned, "Be safe, my lady." He finished with a whisper and immediately turned away, heading out of the dungeons.

Apologies for the slow update!

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