incense burner flashbacks || lan qiren

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*wet dream (or is it?), coming untouched*

source: 魔道祖师,陈情令,Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, The Untamed

art: official
Lan Qiren knew what his dreams looked like. They were mostly simple reflections of his past or present - teaching a class of unruly juniors, helping tie up his nephews' hair when they were too young to reach, visiting his brother after his fatal injury, visiting Madam Lan before her death. Those kinds of things. Even when Lan Qiren had the odd nightmare, it was only something that caused him stress, not fear, because they were only dreams with Wei Wuxian in it (really it didn't matter to him that little Lan Zhan was a cutsleeve boykisser, but must he choose Wei Wuxian!?). This dream was neither of those. He was in an area he'd never seen before, or if he did, hadn't been there long enough to commit it to memory. There was some dream fog, but it was easy to see that it was a clearing in a verdant forest, visibly unlike the ones in the Cloud Recesses. In the slight beyond of the fog, Lan Qiren could make out a blurry grey figure. The atmosphere was comforting, not terrifying, so it was not a night terror. Lan Qiren instead decided to relax, getting to the ground so much like he did when he was awake, a bit troublesome with his aging bones, before twisting his legs into lotus pose to meditate.

He wasn't given a chance to meditate though.

"My my, Qiren, you've gotten old ~" a strange voice playfully chastised. Lan Qiren tensed slightly - there were cases of cultivators that could launch attacks in one's dreams, but it was very rare and a difficult technique to master.

"Who is it that chooses to disrupt my meditation?" A laugh that was somewhere in between mean and teasing.

"Only you would be so boring in a dream where you could do anything. Come on, Qiren, isn't there something else you'd rather be doing? Some ... one?" Lan Qiren frowned, raising an eyebrow.

"And is the someone you are referring to yourself?" The figure walked closer, but the details of their face and clothes was never revealed.

"You see, Qiren, I can be whoever you want me to be." The arrogantly attractive face of a youthful Wen Ruohan, one that Lan Qiren had seen many times in his youth. It hovered barely an inch from his face, close enough for Lan Qiren to feel the gentle batting of young Wen Ruohan's sinfully long lashes. Lan Qiren, who had opted to keep his gaze trained on whatever was directly in front of him (not whatever was changing its face to sway him), couldn't help but feel turmoil in his chest. Him and Wen Ruohan had ... fooled around a bit in their youth together, but he'd never held it to the Wen boy to continue to pursue him like he had. Realistically it was possibly one of the reasons why Wen Ruohan insisted the Lan Clan be hit so hard. The figure pouted at Lan Qiren's blankness, straightening up with their hands clasped behind their back.

"My, do you not like this face anymore? Tsk tsk, how heartless, Qiren." The quick noise of flesh grinding and the mischievous face of a teenage Jin Guangshan instead came into view. Jin Guangshan had indeed been very handsome as a youth, softer than Wen Ruohan's rugged looks. His eyes were slanted like a cat's and he always looked as if he knew all your darkest secrets, but with a single flutter of his lashes, you'd be ready to forgive all that as long as he gave you a kiss with those sinfully full lips. Jin Guangshan had only looked Lan Qiren's way in their youth, before Jin Guangshan believed it would've been more adult of him to go after women. But truthfully, a man who laid with another man first would never want for a woman after, and so it was. The soft milk chocolate eyes Jin Guangshan blinked incredulously as Lan Qiren refused to change. The face stealer huffed and backed away. More flesh and more grinding.

"Qiren - ge!" The bright golden doe eyes and the heart shaped smile of a teenage Jiang Fengmian. Jiang Fengmian had been closest with Qiren's brother, but that didn't stop a young Fengmian from trailing after Qiren as well. Jiang Fengmian had been the youngest out of their group consisting of the two Lan boys, Jin Guangshan, Wen Ruohan, and Jiang Fengmian. He'd chirp "Qiren - ge, Qiren - ge" like a little mantra, hoping that maybe, hopefully, Qiren would look his way and shoot him a so rare smile. Lan Qiren felt embarrassed when Fengmian insisted the reason he would refuse to marry Yu Ziyuan was because he wanted his Qiren - ge instead. Qiren refused to hear it and instead pushed Fengmian to marry the girl, not wanting to be the reason between any rifts between sects lest his father and uncle find out and have his and possibly his cousin's behinds for it.

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