*beatboxes* fuck old people || hange zoe

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source: attack on titan, shingeki no kyojin

artist: miyumi on ZeroChan, photo entry #3176755
(Y/n) didn't understand what he was doing wrong. He made sure that he was the best soldier in Hange's squad, overachieving in every little thing he could. He watched over everything they did, predicted ahead what they would need after poring over previous experiments and committing all the steps to memory so he could actively produce the tools needed before they even opened their mouth to ask. Experiments had gone smoother than ever since (Y/n) joined Hange's squad. He wasn't too shabby at killing titans and avoiding death either. And yet nothing more than a simple 'Good work, (L/n)!' was thrown his way.

Squad Leader Hange was certainly stingy with praise.

It wasn't like all his work was ignored, he'd received words of commendation from Captain Levi, which many in Hange's squad had gaped over, most never having heard Captain Ackerman utter a single word of praise in their entire life. It would've made (Y/n)'s chest swell with pride if it was Levi's attention he was coveting, but it wasn't. So it was like a reward for something he couldn't care less about. Hange would usually tail after Levi, nodding along when Levi would praise him but say nothing themself. It was frustrating. Why did Squad Leader Hange have nothing to say to him? Even Levi had words, as few or harsh as they may be.

Did Squad Leader Hange not like him?

It seemed like a petty reason, but the people in the Survey Corps were all surprisingly petty people for reasons of their own. (Y/n) wasn't putting it past anyone. He could only sigh, pout to himself, and promise that he'd work harder next time. And the next time. And the next and the next. Since he joined the Survey Corps at age 16, it was always next time. Hange had refused to give him a lick of praise for 9 years.

And for 9 years he'd had to watch as Squad Leader Hange fluttered around Captain Levi like a nervous moth, always chittering and laughing and chattering. Captain Levi hardly ever even graced them with a look their way. It irked (Y/n) to the very bone. If it was him Squad Leader Hange was speaking to, they'd have his whole attention. He wouldn't even think of looking elsewhere. It was unfair. Life was so unfair. And lately life had been feeling even unfairer.

"Am I annoying you, soldier?" Levi's stern voice stabbed at (Y/n)'s ears like a knife, the younger immediately straightening up his back from his sorry excuse for at ease.

"No, Captain." Levi scowled, eyes narrowing.

"Then what's the look for. Surely I'm not boring you to death."

"It's just my face, Captain." Levi's scowl only seemed more annoyed, getting close to (Y/n)'s face.

"Then fix your face. Titans don't care if you're having a bad day - they'll kill you all the same."

"Yes, Captain." (Y/n) grimaced as Levi got out of his face, turning and stalking away. Whatever he'd been addressing for the 4th squad, you definitely hadn't been paying attention to. A quiet 'tsk' was heard off to (Y/n)'s left, and he couldn't help darting his eyes over. There stood Squad Leader Hange, arms lazily crossed over their chest and a disappointed look on their face. Staring directly at (Y/n). He couldn't help but nervously nibble his bottom lip. Couldn't they be on his side for once? Did they always have to focus solely on that little turd of a Captain? He wished Hange would look his way with approval, even if just for a little bit.

After Levi, who had come to supervise Hange's squad and report back to Commander Erwin, dismissed the group, (Y/n) moved to turn and go back to work, too ashamed to look Hange's way. Until that was, he heard the infamous "hey, look at me, I want to talk to you" whistle that Hange used out in the field during Titan parts recon. (Y/n) seriously hoped it wasn't directed at him, but all his other squad members looked his way before hurrying back to their stations. He groaned and turned around, seeing Hange standing there with arms still crossed over their (kinda broad) chest. They bent their finger at him, as if he was a little kid about to be scolded by his kindergarten teacher at recess for pulling a classmate's hair. He could only drag himself over reluctantly, head hanging lower the closer he got.

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