top!kyoya x bottom!shy!reader

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*closet sex, semi-public sex, dirty talk, mommy kink*

source: Ouran High School Host Club

artist: official art

(Y/n) had a habit of people watching. He was a bit of a loner, so this was as close as he felt he'd get to having social interaction during his high school years. He'd liked being able to get a read on people. It helped him understand how to interact with his fellow classmates if they ever, for some reason, decided to talk to him. The host club were the easiest. They wore their attitudes on their sleeves - at least most of them did. Hikaru and Kaoru were mischievous pranksters; Tamaki was vapid and a bit dumb; Haruhi was chill; Honey was a sweetheart, if you stayed on his good side; Mori was also pretty chill, just much less talkative. But Kyoya ... (Y/n) didn't know what to make of Kyoya.

It was like the teen knew everything there was to know about everyone and used it to his manipulative advantage. (Y/n) didn't quite like that. He prided himself in being a school mystery, being nothing but a name used in passing. Kyoya threatened that. The dark haired boy was intimidating, an air of untouchability surrounding his person. (Y/n) wanted to break that atmosphere and find out something - anything - that could be even the smallest bit incriminating.

He had made it his job to tail Kyoya, to watch his every move.

And just as much as he had failed Kyoya to gain a grasp on who he was, Kyoya had done the same. The black haired boy knew everything about everyone in this school through various means, but barely anything could be found on (Y/n). Nobody knew anything about him and it threw a wrench into Kyoya's daily life. Truthfully, it made him a tad paranoid, although he really didn't have anything to worry about from a pathetic little nerd like (Y/n).

So in turn, Kyoya made it his job to tail (Y/n) back.

And just like a game of cat and mouse, they ran in circles with each other, Kyoya pretending to let (Y/n) in on every little thing he did while documenting whatever (Y/n) was too careless to leave behind. It was a bit cute, seeing how (Y/n) was taking it so seriously and still being so amateur, but Kyoya wasn't going to complain. He'd rather take action.

That's how he'd gotten (Y/n) to meet him in the school gardens, seated elegantly on the rim of the fountain as he waited for the shorter student to show up. When (Y/n) emerged from behind the expertly trimmed hedges, eyes wide with anxiety and figure bunched up with tension, Kyoya could hardly hold back the grin on his face, beckoning the boy to come closer.

"Come - I don't bite," he purred out, every bit as enticing as (Y/n) had feared. The shorter opened his mouth to protest, say that he was fine standing where he was, but the way the lenses of Kyoya's glasses glinted so mysteriously ... (Y/n) wanted Kyoya to God Complex his ass right there and then. He couldn't say no to his black haired senior, so he stumbled over to plop himself next to Kyoya, willing himself not to trip over his own feet like some newborn lamb.

That's exactly how he felt, (Y/n) realized, as he sat next to his senpai. He'd always been more attuned to atmosphere ever since he was little, and being a more pessimistic person, he always looked out for the worst. Right now, it was like a small lamb walking into a wolf's den, oblivious and none the wiser, vulnerable and open. (Y/n) couldn't say he didn't find it exciting though. Kyoya rested his chin in his palm, arm propped on his crossed knee as he hyperfocused on (Y/n), drinking up every detail.

"You've been watching me." (Y/n) nodded. He wasn't going to lie to the Kyoya Ootori. The upperclassman would suss him out without another thought. The black haired student nodded, eyes squinting like a smug cat's. He couldn't help noticing the way the shorter student seemed to fidget endlessly, small and dainty droplets of sweat sprinting down the attractive curvature of their face. They were so nervous - it was adorable. Kyoya wasn't mischievous like the twins, but that didn't mean he found no joy in the odd teasing of a bottom sometimes.

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