heaven or my sexy hot mama husband || jiang cheng

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*vanilla, body worship, just two old (one old one middle aged) guys being mega horny gay for each other*

source: 魔道祖师, grandmaster of demonic cultivation, the untamed, 陈情令

artist: official untamed mobile game art
It was supposed to be a simple gathering of sect leaders and their spouses to talk about the trivial things in life - more of a house party than anything else. The rich could afford to be so leisurely, and Jiang Cheng wasn't sure if he was lucky or unlucky to be considered among them. He definitely didn't identify with the "rich old sect leader" moniker yet, like some others, but he did have the hottest "wife" out of all the other sect leaders, in his unbeatable opinion.

(Y/n) no longer looked like a fresh plum blossom against snow. He had matured into something more deep and beautiful than the fleeting sweetness of youth. With long beautiful hair that was slowly turning more grey and white than black, and wrinkles that had deepened during their years together that only made him look more kind and wise and patient, and with a body that was no longer the epitome of hard work and training but instead gentle naturally refined grace and softness. (Y/n), to his husband, looked like the most ethereal being in the mortal realm, and surely could've displaced any gods with a mere look if he so wished. Jiang Cheng hadn't planned on every single person he met understanding the elegant appeal of his gorgeous, one of a kind, amazing husband - it was why he married (Y/n) and others hadn't (losers) - but to think people would GOSSIP about the hotness - the overall worthiness - of his husband was appalling.

The wives had sectioned themselves off in some part of the garden to discuss among themselves and the sect leaders had stayed in the main hall to talk about minor sect things and dude stuff. (Y/n), who belonged to neither of those groups, had seated himself in the courtyard, enjoying the removed tranquility and company of the spring blooms.

Jiang Cheng had thought that image was beyond ethereal and couldn't stop himself from shooting glances (Y/n)'s way, his heart bursting with love. One of the younger leaders that had been invited leaned to look at what Jiang Cheng was looking at, curiosity getting the better of him. Seeing he was looking at (Y/n) idly sitting in the breeze, he scoffed and leaned back relaxedly.

"Isn't he an odd one? Never seen him at any of the sect meetings. Do you think he's just an old lunatic that wandered in?" Jiang Cheng tensed and shot a glare the other sect leader's way. Unfortunately, the younger man didn't seem to notice. The man's lips grew into a strangely prideful smirk. Usually Jiang Cheng wouldn't give pests like him the time of day, however, the pests generally didn't bring his husband into their criticisms. He sized up the younger man from his periphery - nothing to blow his nose at, even. He hummed disinterestedly and went back to half heartedly listening to the host's night hunt story. However, the younger man didn't seem to read Jiang Cheng well enough.

"You know, my wife saw him come in with one of the other sect leaders. Maybe they took pity on an addled old vagrant on the way here? Hehe, do you think he might be the entertainment for tonight? Lunatics are funny to mess with." Jiang Cheng could feel rage nipping at the back of his throat, a vein throbbing at his temple. The audacity. As soon as a break came in the host's story, Jiang Cheng stood. The other sect leaders turned to look at him, just now realizing that he was still present and hadn't disappeared into thin air.

"Apologies, Sect Leader Ouyang, but I fear I must leave." Ouyang Xin blinked, nodding along with Jiang Cheng's choice. He'd seen the work Jiang Cheng did and how fierce he could be - he wasn't going to bog him down with niceties and shallow politeness.

"May I ask why, Sect Leader Jiang? It's only been a few hours ..." Jiang Cheng couldn't help the disgusted grimace that scorched across his face.

"I fear, in the company you keep, my husband, and by association I, are not welcome." Ouyang Xin felt a cold sweat bead along his neck, but nonetheless swallowed and nodded. He would speak with Jiang Cheng more once the younger man was calm. Right now it would be like poking a cornered tiger with a stick. Jiang Cheng elegantly marched over to the doorway leading to the courtyard, his wide back obscuring the sun from the inside of the room.

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