advice || tendou satori

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*dirty talk, rough sex, spanking, hate sex (not so hateful tho), overstimulation*

source: haikyuu

artist: みのる on pixiv


Tendou wouldn't consider himself a sensitive person. Actually he'd probably call himself laidback if you ignored the competetive streak whenever it came to volleyball. However, there was one person that could get on his nerves easier than slipping on a Nike slide. (L/n) (Y/n) was the absolute bane of Tendou's existence. (Y/n) was the biggest nag he'd ever met and he couldn't believe this annoyance was his college roommate. Tendou completely believed that everything that came out of (Y/n)'s mouth was entirely out of spite for him.

Tendou decides to do the laundry.

"You should've separated the white clothes and the colored clothes."

Tendou decides to do dishes.

"You didn't dry them well enough - they dripped water all over the countertop."

Tendou decides to tidy up the room just for the hell of it.

"You didn't sweep the kitchen - there's dust all under the cabinets."

He was tired of it. This was why he left all that cleaning stuff to (Y/n) because (Y/n) got to clean to his content and Tendou was just glad the dorm room wasn't overflowing with trash and dirty dishes. Well, if (Y/n) didn't harp in his ear that he rarely cleaned the dorm. Like now.

"Ugh! Tendou! Couldn't you put your shoes away neatly?! I swear!" The redhead deadpanned, looking up at the other from the couch with tired eyes.

"Who cares? It's just us anyway." (Y/n) scowled, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"Because I can't work in a disorganized environment! It distracts me from what I actually need to be working on!" Tendou hawed in mock disappointment.

"But you love cleaning so muuuuch~" (Y/n) groaned and dragged his hands down the length of his face before stomping to the room and throwing his stuff on the desk under his bunk bed.

"You're such a damn pig, Tendou Satori. I don't know how people stand you." That irked him. Normally he wouldn't care about what (Y/n) called him - he'd always been more polite than most and wouldn't call him a monster or anything - but this just hit a nerve of some kind.

"What'd you call me?" Tendou tested as he stood up, looking after (Y/n)'s crouched form in their shared room. (Y/n) threw his house clothes on the desk, removing his shirt to change.

"I said you're a goddamn pig. What, are you deaf too?" Tendou could feel anger rising hot and ugly in his chest, gripping his throat like a rider gripping a horse's reins. He stalked over to stand in the doorway, glaring down at the shirtless form of his roommate.

"Well, if I'm a pig, then you're a cicada." (Y/n) glared up at him, confusion on his face.

"What? Why?"

"Because you're ugly and you never shut the fuck up." (Y/n) scowled and straightened his back, not quite as tall as Tendou, but tall enough to see basically eye to eye.

"Like you're any better! You think just because you were so good at volleyball that you're hot shit? No matter how good you are at sports, nobody will wanna fuck you if you don't know how to even make your own bed."

"As if I'd go for anybody who cares about the state of my bedsheets because at least I'm cool enough to let shit slide. Nobody would ever settle for a shrill nag like you! Who'd want to constantly listen to a fly buzzing in their ear?!" (Y/n) fumed at that.

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