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Kung Jin/Reader


Source: Mortal Kombat

Requested by @MidNightDawg

Art by gigimetal on DevaintArt


(Y/n) frowned, rubbing his arms over the thick sleeves of his woolen sweater. He had no idea what he was supposed to do about this predicament. He'd gotten locked out of his apartment, no idea where his keys were, and he was stuck in the hallway, which got increasingly cold the later at night it was.

He looked around in nearby plants and under doormats to see if maybe he'd left his keys there, hoping to God that he hadn't left them at work. But no such luck. With a small grimace, he decided that he might as well head to the lobby to request a replacement key. He started for the elevator, not wanting to take the stairs because the empty stairwells creeped him out. He sighed a little as the elevator dinged. Somebody was coming up to his floor, and they'd probably try to make small talk, if they noticed him at all. He tried sticking closer to the walls as the elevator door opened, hoping that whoever was in there would just glance over him and not give him the time of day like usual. However, the buff guy that stepped out was hugely attuned to people's presences (more so than normal), (Y/n) assumed, because his dark brown eyes immediately found (Y/n)'s duller ones. His lips pressed into a line upon seeing it, the buff man stepping out of the elevator with a very dreadful feeling intent. (Y/n) squeezed up closer against the wall, hoping he'd just go through the wall and not have to deal with human contact. The man roughly held out a little something that jangled, (Y/n) immediately looking down at the little object.

"Are these yours?"(Y/n)'s breath caught in his throat as he noticed the little charm he always kept on his key ring. It was hard to miss since it was so big and puffy, but it made it easier for (Y/n) to find. He nodded as the man roughly took his hand and shoved the keys into his palm.

"Don't lose them again." (Y/n) nodded again, his breath coming out shallowly. The man walked off  after that, back to the stairs, but (Y/n) could barely move. His heart was racing a mile a minute and his face felt like it was on fire. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop a little smile from growing on his face. Looks like he just found a new guy to fantasize about.


Idk ANYTHING abt mk, so I hope this isn't too bad, and I'm sorry it's so short. Ik you waited a really long time for this, but I didn't wanna butcher anything because idk SHET

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