Roomie Swap

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Micheal was not having, hell to the no.

"Soo...your my roomie?"

No reply..

You step back, just enough to let him actually in, then spoke again "I-I hope that I didn't spook--."

Once that opening was open Micheal took this small amount of time to step in, grip your shoulders, flip you around, and push you into the hallway.Not long did he lock the door before walking to his bed, clearly sleeping in then anything else.

Taking in that the big guy, which must be Micheal Myers, kicked you out you look around the empty halls.You knew better then to bang on the door tell he finally gets up and kills you, so you began to wonder around the place once again...

By this time Pyramid Head was hanging out with his demon clown friend;Shorty.

Now Shorty was like Pennywise.A alien killer canniable clown.But the only thing that separates the two is that he speaks in his own alien whisperer like squeals while Pennywise can well, speak various languages.Oh.And the high difference along with smarts and power stability.

Simply to put it, Pyramid Head enjoys to hang out with Shorty more..

And they spot you.

The two never really got to know nor talk to you, so at this moment, they made their move..

Shorty, being him, squeals out a high pitch 'hello'.Once you heard that you turn only to go face first into a set of nine packed abs.

Pyramid Heads abs in fact.

"I-UH.."You scoot back, clearly embarrassed now "I'm so so sorry-!"

A soft pat to the head stops your rambling.Shutting up you see the small green hair clown smile, once again not scaring you somehow, at you creepily.In return you shock the small clown by smile sweetly back and pat his head softly.

In the eyes of Pyramid Head he clearly sees that your not a bad soul nor person, you were a nice innocently adorable one instead.Once Shorty had his moment with you it was his turn.

He, of course, waves at you...yeah...he wasn't a big talker like Shorty is..

You did the same thing back, still apologizing for what happened a second ago, not long you three got to know each other in each one's own silence.It was nice.

Yet it ends once a alien predator finds you..


You smile up at him "Nice to see you Uii!" yet all he said in reply was just a steady nod.

Now Uii was found in you hanging out with Pyramid Head, Shorty is okay, but him no.Like, this fucking man sweep you off your feet and walks away.You give the two new friends you made a farewell wave while Uii, unseen by you, flicks the two off without a fucking care.

"Hey!Dinner is ready--!"

Norman, yes poor Norman, gets pushed back by Uii as he was heading to his room.His idea was to swap and have you as his ma--err--roommate haha..

That was till Jason saw his intentions and steals you away, only for him to retreat to the dinning room, full of slashers, then sits you between his legs so no one can steal you next.

Uii was fuming but let's it slide, for it was dinner time, so he grabs his food and thinks of another way to get you..

"So Jason she your girlfriend now or what?"

Jason went red in the face, even though no one can see his face with the mask on, but it was enough to red on the ears before he literally buried his whole being into your back.You were comfy yet knew it was a joke.Being who you are gently pat and rub little circles on the big killer hockey mask mans hand.Trying to soothe and comfort the big friendly sweet adorable teddy bear.It works cause now he rest his head on top of yours as his grip held you against him, lovingly and so carefully.

Author-chan dearly wants a Jason in her life, like, this or nothing..

The one who asked the question, Freddy for gods sake, gets a bonk in the head by no other then Carrie.

She mother material..

Tiff sighs " is rooming with Micheal doing?"

'He kicked me out' was what your gonna say but chose to say "Okay, he is tired though!" which kinda was not a lie.

Everyone after that began to chit chat, eat together then fight, for once it was peaceful...

Till later that is..

"Hey?Where is (Y/N)??" Billy asked, really wanna see what you were doing right now.

Everyone shrugs their shoulders.So they head to Micheal's room.But you know what?Turns out you weren't with him.

At all.

So everyone began to do a search party.In and outside.Every room, cabinet, even hiding spots in the walls no one found you.


Norman began to panic "W-Where could s-s-she be!!???"

No one could answer that, how could you answer that question without knowing where you were even at?


Everyone stops, now looking dead at Jigsaw.

"...who check the basement?"

The silence in the room was enough to show that none of them did.Out of all the places in this house no one even looked down there.They knew what's down there and hope you didn't go down..

So they each ran down to the basement.


Each of the slashers, some poking in from the door way, froze in disbelief at what they were seeing.Like, how the fuck is this possible??

You giggle, petting the creatures weird shaped head "I think he likes me." the answer back was it purring back loudly, loving the attention.

You didn't even know how fucking dangerous this creature was...yet here you are, petting the killing bloodlust alien creature.

Petting - no scratch that - TAMING this mother fucking Demogordon!!


The boogey man, who was clueless on how your even alive at this point, glance silently at Hannibal.

"It seems that she can be with...this...for now on."

Hearing that you hug the creature "Yay!Were roomies now Demo!"

The Demogordon, now known as Demo, choos out a loud but possessive growl like pur.No need for a bed due to Demo curling around you easily, seemingly becoming your very own protective guard dog.

Deadly but cute guard dog bed!

Scary Is Cute [Slashers x Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora